My reasons for forming this group extend from past personal experiences. Among many other struggles, I was also involved in an abusive relationship. It is my belief that had I a proper role model to look up to and learn from, my past may have been different. One of my major goals is to establish a center for battered women and I believe that the network marketing industry will help me to this end.
My experience in the network marketing industry is what has prompted the development of “Women of Growth.” My experiences at training and networking events have allowed me to establish relationships with amazing women in the industry; women who made the choice to dedicate their lives to something bigger than themselves. Though we were involved with different companies, and the stigma of competition loomed over me, I found myself wanting to learn from them and their successes. These women were engulfed with passion , desire, confidence, and most of all, faith that they were going become great leaders in network marketing. The industry can get tough, and I want that same faith to carry me and those that I help through those times.
My journey of personal growth began in early 2006. Since then I have learned so many life lessons , principles, and laws. I cannot keep these lessons to myself. I will share these with whoever will listen.
Women of Growth will provide an environment where women can gather monthly and share ideas about business building, leadership skills, personal growth, balancing life and business, goal setting , achieving, and much more. Within the next five years, Women of Growth will have expanded to providing seminars all around the country. Women can be empowering when brought together under a common banner, so I invite all women who are committed to their life long journey of personal growth .
Every choice a person makes shapes the future of their destiny, whether it is one of purpose or one of regret. It took a great deal of time to realize for myself that my decisions where in fact choices. I have the choice every day to make it a good day. I have the choice to make decisions that will harm me or help me. I have the choice to control my desires. I have the choice to learn something new, every day. I have a choice to help those in need. I have the choice to leave a legacy. I also have the choice to place my faith in God or not. You also have these same choices.
What will you choose today? In 5, 10, 15 or perhaps 20 years, you may find yourself looking back and saying to yourself “I wish I had chosen to __________, because I could have been _________.” I shall not live with regrets. I choose to have a blessed life by God, live in abundance and learn what there is to learn. Don’t chance the future to regret. Make the choice for yourself and for those you love. As for today, make this choice: Help someone else choose to change their life!

Author's Bio: 

Nine long years in the child care industry. Kami's future is completely changed. The network marketing industry has led her to phenomenal levels of personal growth. Her goal is to help as many people as possible in life.