What is the Greatest Challenge You Face in Life & Business? How would you answer that question? Before jumping to an answer you might consider that the greatest challenge you face in life and business is in making daily choices.
The moment we awaken we begin the stressful tack of choice and decision making and before the days end we have attempted to restore some internal peace of mind over choices made.

Why do we agonize over so many choices? More importantly, how do we find inner peace of mind once we choose? Everyday we struggle with opposing viewpoints that battle it out in our minds.

Subtle and simple little choices - like buying a pair of shoes. Or making a sale and marketing decision to advertise your business through a new and unproved channel can create chaos, conflicts, contradictions and tensions in our mind.

Regardless if our choices are emotional or intellectual we seem to go through a process of tricking ourselves into thinking we made the right decision in order to establish some peace of mind. As consumers we wrestle with ill feelings of fear in our stomach many times because of our decisions - which is commonly referred to as buyer's remorse.

Fear of making wrong decisions and choices becomes a major challenge in life and business everyday.

My clients struggle with different and difficult fears everyday in making choices that require changing habits, attitudes and behaviors. In the words of JC who has been a smoker for more than 10 years and a client our company said: Every time I light up a cigarette I read the warning sign on the package. I stop for a moment and ask myself why am I smoking? Then I reason with my mind that I don't smoke that much and I get plenty of exercise and my grandfather smoked well into his 90's giving me some peace of mind until the next time I light up a cigarette. But regardless, of the mind game I play, the fear of cancer lurks deep within me.

People I work with daily who struggle with their fear of making choices have become very creative at attempting to reduce mental tension for their choices and decisions. But, in doing so, they have brought on deepening negative behaviors of procrastination, uncertainty, guilt and greater stress into their lives.

Fear and not willing to make good choices has stopped people dead in their tracks from accomplishing great things in their life. In addition to the fear people are confronted with. There are two other issues that come into play while making daily choices that bring in more mental tension. That is the issue of money and time.

Every endeavor in life and business that produces accomplishment requires some degree of investment in time, money and resources. The one major reason people procrastinate over choice and don't take immediate and consistent action and the biggest inhibitor in creating wealth, happiness and living life exactly the way want it -- is fear.

As you listen or read this article your may be saying to yourself right now -- I don't fear making more money and having more success. I'm not afraid of making better choices for having greater happiness in life. I don't fear having a wonderful committed relationship and living exactly the way I want to. But, if you want to make more money and create wealth, and you haven't, then fear in getting your way. If you are always struggling on the path to happiness and living your life well and you haven't done it -- then the choices you make are being influence by your fears.

As for time: There are some people being so busy living a life of pain, procrastination, quilt, fear, disbelief, and anger that their time is consumed with lack and limitation instead of abundance .

As for the money: most people work for money their whole life and will use lack of money, regardless of their net worth, as an excuse for their choices. They trick themselves into some peace of mind to stifle the guilt or embarrassment for their decisions. If they do it long enough it become habitual and their self deception becomes almost guiltless and unnoticed within.

Needles to say in the process of tricking ourselves to justify daily choices in order to establish some peace of mind is not the solution. What needs to happen for you is to begin acting in accordance with not only your true conviction but with your true desires and honest reasons.

While questioning JC about her smoking I discovered that her greatest fear was not cancer. Her two greatest fears where graining weight after she quit smoking and her fear of spending money with no guarantee she would quit. JC's desire to quit smoking was strong but her fears were much stronger causing her to play self sabotaging mind games.

While we my believe that our greatest challenges, lie in wait outside of our control, the truth is the solutions to our greatest challenges are within each and every one of us. The solution is to confront the real problems not the symptoms.
Fast food restaurants may contribute to obesity in this country but not the problem. The problem is in the eating behaviors of people. A highly profitable and proven MLM business system may have hundreds of people who quit the business for lack of success. The failure is not in the business but the fear of rejection, call reluctance, passion , desire and lack of commitment in the people.

People can change quickly once they confront their fears and resolve the money and time issue. To achieve long-term behavioral change we must first reinforce our desires and goals with new attitudes of behavior and the quickest ways to change is through hypnosis which speeds up the learning process 2 to 5 time faster than will power.

When you confront your fears and have a burning desire, backed by belief your fears begin to diminish. Your mind becomes dominated with positive emotion, which gives shape, form and action to your projects or ideas with imagination . You then become unstoppable in your attainment of successfully accomplishing your goals.

Let me give you a challenge. Identify some behavior that you battle with in your mind. It could be smoking, procrastination, call reluctance, social anxiety , fear of flying, lack of motivation or what ever challenges you. Now carefully and truthfully examine the reason for ending that behavior and write them down. Next list all the benefits for change and write down your new behavior next to the benefits. Now make a commitment with clear intention to act out your new behavior. Avoid all the tempting situations that would have you act out your old behavior and see what happens.

For some of you the chance of making a positive change with a great deal of willpower will come forth in time. For others you'll continue repeating old behaviors until you change your behavior and for that to happen you'll need to change habits of thought. However, hypnosis will speed up and guarantee that change of behavior will come forth easier, quicker and effortlessly in less time.

Author's Bio: 

Don L. Price:
Coaching Minds To SucceedAuthor, Sales/Marketing & Positive Change
Solution Provider, International Speaker & Success Coach

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