Bulimia – Bulimia involves a destructive cycle of bingeing and purging. Following an episode of out-of-control binge eating, people with bulimia take drastic steps to purge themselves of the extra calories. In order to avoid weight gain they vomit, exercise , fast, or take laxatives.

Symptoms of Bulimia

A physical exam may reveal signs of chronic binging and purging.Dental cavities, loss of tooth enamel, enlarged salivary glands, and scars on the knuckles may be present as a result of chronic self-induced vomiting.

Signs of malnutrition or dehydration may be present including dry skin, changes in the hair and nails, swelling of the lower legs and feet, or loss of sensation in the hands or feet.What Causes Bulimia?

There are several different theories about what is involved in the development of bulimia. Bulimia may have a hereditary component, and some experts believe that a family environment with an overemphasis on achievement may be another contributing factor. The role of sexual abuse in the development of bulimia is controversial. Other psychological and environmental factors may be involved -- these may include mood disorders and substance abuse in families of people with bulimia. Individuals with bulimia may also experience depression, self-mutilation, substance abuse , and obsessive-compulsive behavior . Cultural pressures to appear slender contribute to the disorder, particularly among dancers and athletes.

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder most commonly known for the binging and purging actions of the sufferer. Bulimics will go on eating binges, where they eat uncontrollably for a short period of time, and then will induce vomiting in hopes of compensating for the calorie intake and prevent weight gain.Not all bulimics, however, induce vomiting. There is a second kind of bulimia, where the sufferer employs other behaviors, including fasting and extreme exercise . The sufferers of bulimia nervosa usually maintain average or above average weights, so they may be difficult to recognize.

Bulimia Self Care at Home

As part of a support circle for a person with bulimia, you can be of help at home by monitoring the person’s behavior and helping them maintain a reasonable eating pattern. Offer support and encouragement to help the person get and stay in treatment. You can also ensure that the person keeps appointments with doctors and other therapists.

Fortunately, treatment is available for eating disorders. The most common element surrounding Eating Disorders is the inherent presence of a low self-esteem . Thus treatment consists of Counseling, treating physical problem, Psychotherapy. The goal of mental health treatment is to provide a support system and end the isolation and shame commonly felt by patients

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

1. It involves changing responses to stressful situations, and learning to cope with situation rather than use food as a first resort.

2. Helps in changing self-perception about body shape and weight.Interpersonal psychotherapy

Therapeutical treatment for eating disorders is just one of many treatments available, fast diet however this treatment does not suit everyone so it is recommended to seek advise from a professional It is very difficult to know what to do if you have teenagers who are constantly trying to lose weight and dieting . Bulimic! You can get free advise from a professional dietician or physician if you or your teenage children are losing weight drastically – mesentery

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