This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Tarot. Tarot reading is the use of a deck of Tarot cards for purposes of personal transformation and divination. Kisma Stepanich-Reidling is the Official Guide to Tarot .

Faery Wicca Tarot Deck , Kisma Stepanich-Reidling, is a valuable resource for people interested in Tarot , and it is available through and .

Based on the ancient Bardic system of understanding the universe, the Faery Wicca Tarot , by Kisma K. Stepanich, blends traditional Tarot images with the mystical symbolism of modern Faery Wicca magick.

Faery Wicca traces back to a distant age when gods inhabited the world and the lands and oceans were divided among them. These deities came from the OtherWorld, where they acquired secret knowledge, science, prophecy, and magick, now illustrated in a usable form in the Faery Wicca Tarot .

Unlike any other, this deck has five sections, beginning with forty Element cards, ten each for air, earth, fire, and water. Next come sixteen Helper cards, consisting of a maiden, knight, high king, and high queen for each suit, similar to the court cards. Then come twenty-two Ancient Ones cards, similar to the traditional major arcana. The last sections include the Power card and four Gift of Faery cards.

Together, the eighty-three cards of the Faery Wicca Tarot give you a deck steeped in Irish Faery tradition. Beautifully illustrated by RenŽe Christine Yates, this deck helps you experience the Faery wisdom first hand.

Included in this set is a 181-page booklet that reveals the meaning of the ancient symbolism, as well as the meanings of each of the cards of the Faery Wicca. The booklet also explains the meanings of each of the cards of the Faery Wicca Tarot. Use it to steep yourself in the Faery tradition.

Of course, to use the Tarot for divinations, you will need various spreads. The booklet includes more than a dozen spreads with a complete analysis of how to use them to help you make positive life changes, determine your best course of action, and awaken greater psychic perception. Get the Faery Wicca Tarot today.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Tarot . The Official Guide to Tarot is Kisma Stepanich-Reidling .

Kisma K. Stepanich~Reidling founded The Faery-Faith Network in 1994 as a worldwide forum for believers in the Sidhe, Faery, lovers of Ireland, and individuals interested in undergoing spiritual training in the Bhairdic College or becoming a Member in the Faery-Faith Network or Druidic Clan of Dana.

She became actively involved in women's spirituality and the goddess movement in 1983 and is the author of Sister Moon Lodge: The Power & Mystery of Menstruation; The Gaia Tradition: Celebrating the Earth in her seasons; and, An Act Of Woman Power.

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Kisma Stepanich-Reidling, The Official Guide to Tarot