1. We are totally responsible for the reality we experience.

2. We are immortal, inherently divine beings in a process of evolution.

3. This evolution and our emotional and spiritual maturation occur through a learning process stimulated and sometimes forced upon us by life's events and circumstances, and to a great degree, others’ behaviors.

4. The unpleasant events, circumstances and behaviors reflect parts of us that need transformation . They are exactly what we need to trigger our growth. This is often, but not always, painful and confusing. It is also sometimes pleasant.

5. There are three variations of the force within us, which attracts these life stimuli:
a. Our past actions and behaviors.b. Our present psychosynthesis: beliefs, emotions, expectations, behaviors, fears, attachments, internal conflicts, roles which we play etc.
c. The specific lessons we have come to learn as souls in evolution.

6. There are four areas of our lives in which we receive most of these lessons:
a. Our close relationships (parents, spouse, children, siblings).
b. Our health and physical appearance.
c. Our work environment.
d. Various events such as accidents, marriage, divorce , loss, gain, war, natural disasters and changes in general.

7. Most often our lessons are to be found in those aspects of the above-mentioned areas which bother us, which are not to our satisfaction, or are painful to us.

8. The lessons we need to learn in these areas can be varied and multiple but fall the following general categories:
a. To transform our conscious and subconscious beliefs.
g. To change our attitudes and behavior .
c. To communicate more clearly, assertively and effectively.
d. To change our way of life.
e. To make efforts to improve the world around us.

9. In general, our lessons involve transforming beliefs and fall into categories:
a. Beliefs which we need to change in order to cease attracting or creating a situation, which bothers us.
b. Beliefs which we need to transform in order to be able to accept the situation exactly as it is.
c. Beliefs which we need to change in order to communicate more effectively with others concerning what is happening.
d. Beliefs which we need to transform in order to be able to actively improve the external situation.

10. In order to discover what we need to learn and transform, we need first discover what there is in our own nature which is reflecting or projecting here. These reflections and projections are often multiple but falling into the two categories.
a. Aspects of ourselves (beliefs, behaviors, emotions) which attract and sustain this behavior , event, or circumstance.
b. Beliefs which make those particular behaviors, events, or circumstances unacceptable and painful for us.

If you are interested in learning how you can use life's difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning , you can receive a free email course with 24 messages concerning how we can do so. Send in an email to the following address to get one message each week on Life's Lessons for 17 weeks.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Elias Najemy, a life coach with 30 years of experience, has trained over 300 Life coaches and now does so over the Internet. Info at: http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/introholisticcoach.asp
He is the author of over 20 books, 600 articles and 400 lecture cassettes on Human Harmony. Download FREE 100's of articles, find wonderful ebooks, guidance, mp3 audio lectures and teleclasses at http://www.HolisticHarmony.com .
His books The Psychology of Happiness, Remove Pain with Energy Psychology and six others are available at http://www.amazon.com