Established in 1970, Danielson College has been involved in various Environmental Conservation activities for a long time back. Dr M K Rai was the first man who laid foundation to environmental activities in the college. He started a programme called Environment Conservation Programme (ECP). This programme was aimed to spread knowledge on environment conservation among the tribal people of the area.


to develop awareness attitude and skills among the school children and tribal folk;

to encourage and involve the tribal community to participate in environmental activities;

to teach the community about the proper utilization of medicinal plants and conservation of endangered species in the tribal pockets;

to make the people aware of various methods of environmental improvement;

to understand the damage that man has done to his environment


Several environmental activities were carried out by giving formal (in educational institutions) and non-formal (outside the institution) education for the last 15 years. The programmes were generally conducted in collaboration with Women Cell of the college, and local NGO’s working for the similar cause of environment. Pragya Environment Society, which is devoted to non-formal education has been a great asset.


Drawing and painting competition, exhibition (Tribal areas, like Guraiya, Jhilmili, Linga and other places), Stickers, posters, pamphlets, news-letters, books , short stories, like Ped Aur Balidaan, “know your herbal medicine” competition, eco-camps, rallies, field trips, plantation, congress grass (Parthenium hysterophorus) eradication, preparation of short video films like Koshishen (meaning Efforts), which is based on local environment.


Surveys of traditional medicinal plants were conducted in the tribal pockets of Chhindwara, viz., Patalkot, Tamia, Sidhouli, Harrai and Bichhua. There are more than 275- medicinal plants in the tribal pockets. Awareness for holy herbs like Basil (Ocimum sanctum), and mint (Mentha piperita) was generated among the tribal people. A book on Herbal Medicines was published in local language and distributed among the common men (Rai, 1994).


A Two-day national level seminar on Herbal Medicines, Bio-diversity and Conservation Strategies, was organized by the college in 1994. The local Vaidhyas and Traditional herbal healers had organized exhibition concerning herbal medicines. This seminar had an encouraging impact among the local rural and tribal people towards the conservation of medicinal herbs . In 1998, another national seminar was organized on Integrated Management of Plant Resources, which also generated awareness towards conservation of nature. In the year 2002, a two-day workshop on Conservation and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants was organized by the Department of Botany of the college.


Improved Sigdis and Chulhas (modified traditional Indian stoves made of iron and mud respectively) were distributed and training on improved and smokeless Chulha preparation was also organized in the tribal pockets, i.e., Sidhouli and Gadarwara.


The teachers training programmes on EE were organized at Linga, Sidhouli, Bhanadehi and Kundalikala. In all, teachers of 62 schools participated in this programme.


A survey of well water of Chhindwara was carried out to assess the water quality. A two day workshop was organized on Water Pollution: Causes and solution at Bhanadehi, a tribal village.


Eco-camps and exhibitions were organized at Sidhouli, Tamiya (1992,1993) Kundalikala (1993), Patalkot (1994,1995, 1999), Jhilmili (1993, 1997), Bhanadehi (1998, 1999), Goreghat (1998), Ajaniya (1999) and Gadarwara (1994, 1996, 1999). In 1997-99, under Children Awareness Programme, exhibitions were organized at local primary schools in association with Friends Nature Club (WWF). The lectures of eminent environmentalists, such as, R. Mishra, V K Saxena and others were also arranged.


Tribal schools of Chikhli-kala, Sarora, Goreghat, Pathra and Gadarwara were selected for generation of awareness activities throughout the year under this programme.

ECO(Environment Conservation Operation) in CAMPUS

Two societies viz., ECO Campus and Friends Nature Club in college are responsible for a growing awareness of the importance of conservation among the students.

Eco-Campus: This society was formed by Dr Deepak Acharya in the year 1997. The group was open for all students of the college. The society core area of functioning was to organize workshops, meetings, excursion, eco-drive etc. On Sundays, students are encouraged to clean-drive work in college

Green- Drive included:
1- Eradication of alien plants from areas where they have invaded the indigenous bush. These include plants like Narangi (Lantana camera), titi (cassia tora), and other grasses. Some very good progress has been made but it is an ongoing task.
2- Surveying of plants found in campus, preparation of notes, and update of information.

3- White washing of the college walls, sweeping, water tank cleaning

4- Preparation of Aushadhi Vatika (medicinal plant garden).

5- Informative notes on Notice board etc.

6- Quiz competition, debate, group discussion, play performance, drawing and poetry writing competitions are organized.7- Environment friendly games etc

Friends Nature Club: Dr M K Rai started this club in the year 1997.


FINANCIAL LIMITATIONS : Although, there are Government agencies, like, Department of Environment, EPCO and DST which supports to individuals, NGO’s and to Government departments, yet the assistance is provided to limited number of NGOs.

LACK OF TEACHERS ATTITUDE : The heads of school must take initiative to provide the facilities/ infrastructure for organization of science or nature clubs. The encouraging attitude of authorities will boost up the morale of the teachers. The teachers should also realize the importance of environmental education to make the better contribution for a healthy society.

COMMUNICATION GAP: While implementing the Environment Education among the people of the tribal areas, language is main constraint. The tribal people have their own dialect. Sometimes, they do not understand our language and show non-cooperation.

NEED-BASED EDUCATION: Usually the syllabi for the school children are prepared by the educationists unawared of the local environmental problems, for instance, if the tribal village is surrounded by medicinal plants the later should be given much emphasis for conservation.


The Environment Education has been a topic of discussion after Stockholm conference. But less implementation has been made outside the academic institutions. There is a pressing need of non-formal education because it is the powerful way to create awareness, percolate knowledge and develop skills among the tribal people to conserve environment. Government institutions and NGOs working in the field of Environment Education may play vital role in achieving the target. We must emphasize on “eco-friendly and economically viable” way of Environment Education. Even the awared people, due to lack of knowledge and skills, sometimes found themselves unable to protect the environment. Awareness could be generated not only by teaching but also by involving them and involving ourselves also in their day-to-day life. Thus, Environment Education based on scientific approaches may open up new doors for the conservation of environment.

Author's Bio: 

Dr Deepak Acharya,