People everywhere are using self-hypnosis. Everyone has the capacity to enter into this natural state to strengthen the mind/body connection and tap into the inner healing power of their subconscious mind. It has been recorded throughout history that patients have recovered from critical illness and injury by calling upon inner resources to bring them through physical traumas.

During the past twenty-five years, many respected doctors and complimentary practitioners have written about the mind/body connection. Dr. Larry Dossey, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things, stated, “ Hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood of all medical therapies, yet one of the most valuable.” Research shows that using the power of the subconscious mind as a complement to modern medical treatment accelerates healing.

Similar to Olympic athletes mentally practicing for competition, people facing surgery often use hypnosis to prepare themselves for their upcoming procedure. In a study conducted by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California it was found that patients using self-hypnosis required less medication, had less bleeding, left the hospital earlier, and recovered more quickly.

The possibilities for using hypnotherapy for mind/body healing are numerous. For instance: cancer survivors use hypnotic techniques to find relief from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation and many are able to control pain using the relaxation and stress reduction methods associated with deep trance.

Hypnosis is an excellent tool for reducing anxiety and stress while increasing feelings of calm self-control. People who lower their stress levels have fewer health problems. By implementing the power of the mind/body connection through learning self-hypnosis, it is possible to achieve a healthier life.

Author's Bio: 

Jo Moon is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with offices at 1345 E Sunshine, Suite, 102, Springfield, MO 65804 . She teaches the power of self-hypnosis for healing. For further information or appointments call: 417-848-7946 or .