If you’ve been online for any length of time, you’ve likely heard the name, Joel Comm. Acknowledged as one of the most influential experts online, by far, Joel Comm is one of the most recognized names in the space of Internet Marketing .

Yet, some newbies (and even a few old timers) in this space may wonder why Joel seems to be “so lucky” to be seen everywhere.

Ever wonder what Joel’s secret is? Wonder no more… here’s why:

1. He’s been around for a long time. (okay Joel, it does mean you’re getting older and aren’t we all)
While most people were still wondering if they should get online, Joel was laying the foundation for an incredible virtual foot print. A Google search of Joel’s name brings up information dating back 20 plus years. He’s got a “Big Foot” imprint.

2. Joel Comm has consistently delivered great content for decades in various ways on a number of platforms. He didn’t settle for just one thing, but rather, has his fingers in many pies. He is always willing to put new information to market.

3. He’s connected with, and joins forces with, others realizing there’s power and influence in the right partnerships. Evidence is his recent book launch of the most recent version of Twitter Power. There was a period during the launch where images of people reading his book were popping up all over the Internet. This certainly wasn’t by chance, but rather it was due to a community of influential thought leaders rallying around Joel to make people aware of this information filled book.

4. Joel Comm loves what he does. Regardless of what he’s doing, Joel always seems to be enjoying himself. He has a definite, “can do” attitude . No matter what the outward evidence, Joel has the innate ability to see beyond the physical into the unseen and unknown.

5. He pushes the envelope with many of his ideas. While lots of people might have an idea and then stop short of implementation due to fear of criticism, Joel jumps in with both feet knowing not everyone will like his ideas, but also knowing millions of people might. Therein lies the secret to his success.

Case in point – iFart Mobile. The app was launched in December 2008 by Infomedia, a technology company owned by Joel. Apple’s acceptance of iFart Mobile appeared to mark a change in the company’s policy towards humorous apps.

Once the app took off it seemed to be everywhere. Kathie Lee and Hoda demonstrated the iFart on the Today Show. How’s that for powerful messaging?

6. Not everything he’s done has been on target, but doesn’t let that stop him. I’m sure Joel would be more than happy to share some of his “not so sizzling” ideas with those who say “he’s so lucky” to prove luck is not about doing nothing and opportunity just drops in your lap. Luck is about jumping on opportunity, creating opportunity and keeping in motion.

Yet, for each idea that didn’t work, he learned something, refused to let this stop him and found a way to keep going. A rare quality indeed.

7. He rarely, if ever, rests on his laurels. When some people think they have “arrived” by publishing one book, Joel has several bestsellers to his name.

Additionally, he is always coming up with more valuable ideas and information to literally make the world a better place. Some might argue that the Fart App didn’t make the world a better place, but when you think of how healing laughter is and how many people laughed because of this one tiny app, I rest my case.

8. Joel won’t be heard saying, “Oh my gosh, this is going to take so much work. How will I ever get this done?” but rather, “This is going to take effort. Let’s put a plan together and start working that plan?” (Okay, this is my own conversation of how I imagine Joel’s self talk goes and I know I am likely spot on)

9. Regardless of whether Joel is presenting to a crowd of thousands, or a few dozen, Joel delivers his message with humor, passion , quirkiness and transparency.

While many talk about living with complete authenticity, Joel is doing it. He’s not waiting for permission nor is he trying to please everyone. Joel seems to live with the belief that life is far too short and you have to go for the gusto… today!

You don’t have to wait for the stars to align, the moon to be in the 7th house, permission from someone else, or everything to be perfect to play full out. Nope, you have to do it today.Evidence of this is Joel’s recent talk at Mile High TedX talk. Speaking to a packed house of 2,200 people, Joel edutained the audience like few experts can. (Educated and entertained. A must do with today’s short attention span experienced by most adults)

No question about it, Joel Comm earned the right to be on this stage.

While many people fantasize about this type of opportunity, thinking that if they put it on their vision-board, meditate about it, apply Law of Attraction strategies to the outcome, Joel is out doing the footwork. That’s not to say he may not have meditated on it, visualized, and tried a few attraction strategies, but the most important thing he is doing is daily footwork.

He’s also saying YES! to various opportunities while giving 100% to each and every one regardless of how big or small.

So the next time you wonder why people like Joel Comm seem to have been born under a lucky star, realize that luck is when opportunity and preparedness meet.

Joel certainly was prepared when the powers that be from the Mile High TedX talk came a knocking for him as he will be when other opportunities show up.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Gage is the “no-nonsense, common sense” online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up For Profits. She helps entrepreneurs make money online. Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.

As an early adopter of online marketing, Kathleen is known for cutting through the fluff. She speaks and teaches about what she believes are the core elements of a successful life: accountability, integrity, honesty, and living with passion and hope.

Kathleen believes the best way to become well known in your market is to let go of the need to be well known and simply serve and create an incredible experience for all you come in contact with.
