Public performance isn't limited to singing, acting, dancing, or performing other acts of entertain in front of others. It is any activity in which you engage, in front of other people where you are in a position to receive criticism, judgment, feedback, or praise. Giving a speech or presentation is a public performance. Appearing in a video that will be distributed to others for viewing is a public performance. Taking place in a video, telephone conference, or answering questions in a Q and A session are also all examples of public performance. While you are performing any of these tasks, you are subject to the scrutiny of others, and you are subject to the same fears you would be if you were standing on a stage delivering a monologue. These fears can be paralyzing. They can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and your message. Fear of public performance can also result in you making errors and cause you to use avoidance rather than facing your fears. This is unfortunate, because these avoiding behaviors can cause you to miss out on both personal and professional opportunities. So, rather than giving up before you begin, give a few of these fear-conquering tips a try.

1. Rehearse as if You Know Absolutely Nothing

Familiarity with the content that you are presenting can actually work against you. If you are too certain that you know how to explain something, or too confident that you will be able to give a demonstration, you may rush through these items while you are rehearsing. Then, when you are actually in the midst of your public performance, nerves may betray you. You may forget small details, stumble over questions , or forget to bring up important points. If you commit to rehearsing every aspect of your performance, stress and other factors will be less likely to throw you off of your game.

2. Remember that Good Content is Key

People are very forgiving when it comes to public performances if there is something of value in the content that you present. For example, if you put together a high-quality slide show that informs and educates your audience, they are likely to overlook the fact that you were nervous or stumbled over a few questions. In the same vein, if you give a speech that is carefully written, inspirational, and motivational that is what your audience will remember, not a few gaffes.

4. Record Your Performance and View It

Once you view your performance, you will have an excellent idea on how you will come off to your audience. This will help you to get rid of any awkward habits and behaviors that could put your audience off your message. This little bit of tweaking can be the difference between an excellent performance and a mediocre performance. Of course, you may also come away with renewed confidence. After all, your performance and presence may be much better than you think it is. If you want extra feedback, show the video to a person you can trust to be honest with you.

5. Think of What You Have to Offer Your Audience

Build up your confidence by reviewing what it is you have to give your audience. Is it your technical expertise, your comedic talents, your ability to make others feel good about themselves, your ability to teach or motivate? Remember that you are offering your audience something of value. That is much more important than a few small missteps.

6. Use Visualization

In the last few days before your performance/presentation take time to visualize your performance. Picture every element of your performance from beginning to end. Visualize the introduction, the middle of your performance, and the end. Visualize possible feedback and questions from your audience. If you see yourself as being successful during your performance, you will come into your performance with a calm and confident attitude .

7. Try Some Deep Breathing Exercises

This technique is perfect for when you are ready to go out. Square breathing is a technique that can help relieve the physical effects of fear and anxiety . It's a simple technique, and it is one that you can use any time. All you need to do is remember the number four. Breathe in slowly for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of four. Exhale for a count of four. Pause for a count of four. Then, repeat the steps. This can help reduce a rapid heart rate, reduce your jitters, and even alleviate nausea.

8. Remember that Fear Does Not Equal Failure

You may not completely cure your fear of performance. That's okay. You can still pull off a successful performance where you accomplish what you intend to accomplish. Once you have one performance under your belt that goes well, you will have less fear and anxiety during subsequent performances.

Author's Bio: 

I'm a passionate writer with a huge aspiration of self-development.