8 Traits of a Great Leader

There have been hundreds of thousands of leaders throughout history—and probably millions today, leading in various government and workforce capacities. What are some of the traits that are common to good and effective leaders? Here, we will discuss 8 traits of a great leader.

1. Integrity

If a leader isn’t honest and doesn’t adhere to a moral code, how can they willingly expect other people to follow them? When people see that a person walks the walk in addition to talking the talk, they have more respect for that person, and more natural desire to follow them.

True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership shows how anyone who follows their internal compass can become an authentic leader. In this book, acclaimed former Medtronic CEO, Bill George and, coauthor Peter Sims, share the wisdom of these outstanding leaders and describe how you can develop as an authentic leader. True North presents a concrete and comprehensive program for leadership success and shows how to create your own Personal Leadership Development Plan centered on five key areas:

Knowing your authentic self
Defining your values and leadership principles
Understanding your motivations
Building your support team
Staying grounded by integrating all aspects of your life
True North offers an opportunity for anyone to transform their leadership path and become the authentic leader they were born to be.

2. Confidence

A good leader is confident in their ability to lead. If they’re timid and afraid, nobody is going to feel confident following them. A leader who speaks with assertion will find their orders followed effectively, while a leader who hems and haws will frequently open themselves up to negotiation.

3. Commitment

A good leader needs to have resolute commitment to their goals if they want their team to unflaggingly follow them uphill. When a leader shows passion , drive, and a willingness to get their hands dirty, the team will rally to the cause.

4. Communication

It’s incredibly frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t clearly spell out what they want. While miscommunication has literally lost battles and felled empires, good communication can help a leader and their team carry out a mission effectively.

5. Accountability

Nobody wants to work for someone who points fingers and passes the buck. It’s whiny, childish, and almost pitiful to see someone in power try and lay the blame on others, especially when those others are the proverbial little people beneath them. By contrast, people appreciate the humility that comes with a sense of accountability—they find it endearing and bonding.

6. Empathy

The best of leaders not only commands a team—they know their team. A leader who knows names, faces, and stories is someone with a team that feels appreciated, which in turn translates into success.

7. Empowerment

You may think that people have a natural tendency to avoid work, but that’s not entirely true. People actually want to feel useful, and appreciate a leader who can empower them to make the right choices without micromanaging.

8. Intelligence

You don’t have to be the brightest crayon in the box about everything, but you better know what you’re talking about if you’re a leader—and if you don’t, at least surround yourself with people who do.

5 Top Leaders throughout History: https://tipstostartingcollege.com/5-top-leaders-throughout-history/

Author's Bio: 

Christine Reidhead is an avid seeker of knowledge and zealous humanitarian who shares an incredible passion for the art of serving the community. Serving as an advocate of education, she aims to enlighten the lives of underserved communities. Christine wants to ignite a positive change among the masses through her passion for community service and the love of sharing others life stories. She is a proud mother to two wonderful boys and strives to be an inspiration to all. Christine presently serves as a Business Professor, Department Chair of Business and Faculty Vice President. She is the Founder and CEO of AfrikRising Nonprofit Organization. Christine is the author of Get That Job! Ace Your Job Interview – every time!