Do you feel like you have so much to do and not enough time to get everything done? When your life gets crazy, you can’t let the busyness take over your mind. You need to put yourself first to maintain your mental health.

Here are eight tips for keeping a clear mind:
1. Get organized. Your life can be much easier if you maintain a good level of organization. You’ll save time and gain a feeling of control over your circumstances. The time you save allows you the opportunity to take care of yourself with relaxation exercises or the pursuit of hobbies that you enjoy.

Each day, create a “to-do” list. Rank your items from the most important to the least important. As you go through your day, attack the most important items on the list first. At the end of the day, you walk away with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you used your time in the most effective way possible.

2. Take time for yourself. Carve out time for yourself every day, no matter how busy you are. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy these moments, even though you know that things remain undone. You must allow your body, mind, and spirit to recharge itself so you’re productive when you return to your tasks.

3. Find something you find relaxing. Everyone has their own activities that help them relax. Perhaps you feel pampered by a long, warm bubble bath. Or curl up on the couch and read a book. Find something that you enjoy, take deep breaths and relax.

4. Count to ten. If you find the stresses of life getting to you, catch yourself before lashing out or losing your cool. Instead, take a step back and count to ten slowly. This will allow you time to clear your mind and decide on the most effective and appropriate response.

5. Meditate. Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and regain focus when life seems out of control. With meditation , you learn to focus on deep breathing while you discover more about yourself.

When you learn to focus on your breath, you’ll likely discover that your breathing is shallow during stressful situations. Learn to breathe deeply from your belly to feel a greater sense of peace in the midst of the storms of your life.

6. Exercise . Exercise is a perfect way to relieve stress and regain a clear perspective. A moderate amount of exercise each day is all you need for improved fitness. Find a type of exercise that you enjoy, and stick with it until it becomes a habit. Soon, you’ll hate missing a workout and have more energy throughout your stressful days.

7. Go for a nature walk. Now that school is out, find the time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Grab your children, your spouse or your dog, a bottle of water and get outdoors for some family time. Get your mind off of the many tasks you need to complete. Instead of thinking about the endless list of things you have to accomplish, become aware of what’s really important by really paying attention to the sights and sounds of your natural surroundings.

8. Take it one step at a time. Life often requires you to juggle many different situations at once. It’s overwhelming if you try to think of each one of those things at the same time.

Focus on one task at a time and work at the task until it’s complete. Then move on to the next task. If you keep putting one foot in front of the other, everything on your to-do list will eventually get accomplished.

Remember that you’re not alone. If you need to talk to someone else about your busy life, reach out to positive people in your life who truly care about you. Sometimes, just talking may help you to clear your mind of everything.
Try these ideas and begin to experience the peace you deserve today!

You can also try my 108 Days to Conquering Your Stress online course. Every day, for 108 days you will receive a new mini-assignment to help you eliminate and reduce your stress. Each day you will be asked to respond to a different question regarding your stress-inducing experiences. It will take you only 5 minutes per day to begin noticing significant changes in your stress levels. You will walk lighter, smile more, and feel a sense of peace over things that previously made you feel nervous and uncomfortable. In addition, with the click of a button, you will have direct access to professional coaches who will answer your questions and help you through the process.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Jack Singer is a licensed Clinical, Sports and Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, author, trainer and consultant. His expertise includes a Doctorate in Industrial / Organizational Psychology and a Post-Doctorate in Clinical / Sports Psychology. Jack has been recognized with Diplomates from the American Academy of Behavioral Medicine, the Society of Police and Criminal Psychology, and he has been awarded with a special Diplomate in Sports Psychology from the National Institute of Sports Professionals. He has a special Certification in Clinical Hypnosis from the American Academy of Clinical Hypnosis and Jack has taught in the Psychology departments of seven universities, including four years as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the U.S. Air Force Academy.