Following on from Bob Proctor of the Secret commenting on my blog ‘FOCUS’

It made me realise how well the Law of Attraction works

In its simplest form what does it say ?

What we give out is what we get back

And it’s so true

How many times have you moaned about ‘your lot’ and what has happened?Your ‘lot’ has got worse.

But when you’re ‘in the flow’ – when you’re having a good time, maybe your day is going wonderfully, maybe the big sale came through, maybe your boss said ‘well done’, you got a bonus, your husband put the toilet seat down without nagging, the kids weren’t quite as annoying – whatever it was – big or small – but your day was great and when you went to bed you went over the day and thought – ‘wow’ that was really something. I didn’t do anything and all this stuff happened.

But take it a step further – what if when you woke up you were excited about the prospect of news of the big sale, you knew how much effort you’ve been putting in recently at work, your husband was filled with love and appreciation for you – maybe – just maybe you woke up with a sense of expectation.

No doubts or fears – you just felt great

And that’s why your day was good.

Here’s the thing. Often we put our stuff out there. Our goals and dreams and we spend so much time concentrating on them we forget to just ‘be’.

We’re human ‘be-ings’ not human ‘do-ings’ I’ve said that before and it’s so true.

We forget the action, we forget to let it go. We hold on so fast we cannot possibly ‘get’ what we say we truly want.

How about this ?

What if we made the goal, the aspiration, the dream – saw it in all its Technicolor gorgeousness – perhaps went and drove the car, saw the house, visualised the getting of the big deal, the losing the weight (with pictures of the body you want) and then ….. now this is where it comes down to ‘ faith Think it, feel it, be it – THEN LET IT GO ……………….
GIVE IT OUT TO THE UNIVERSE AND SAY …. This or something better is now coming to me………..

But you can’t do it just the once and expect it to fall from the skies.
It won’t happen.
The Universe now knows what you want and will do its part to bring it to you
(and here’s the second bit you might not like)
You have to do your part as well
You have to take ACTION
You have to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to get it all into alignment and IT WILL HAPPEN.
But while you’re taking the action – you have to let go out of the outcome.
You’ve put it out there – the dream, the goal, the aspiration – whatever it is
You’ve told the Universe in glorious Technicolor this is what you want
You’ve asked
Now you need to do whatever you can to help the Universe give it to you

You know you won’t get the big deal without doing some work on itTalking to the client, doing the best presentation you possibly can

You know you won’t lose the weight without changing your eating habits
Cutting out the junk, taking the exercise ,

Doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes

And that’s it isn’t it?
So often you’ll diet for a week and give up because you haven’t lost all the weight you wanted, you won’t get the big deal because you haven’t worked on the presentation,

You have to be consistent

Zig Zigler said : Motivation doesn’t last – well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily!

You have to do this stuff every single day
You clean your teeth every day so do your affirmations every day
Do your tapping every day
Do your visualisations every day
Take ACTION every single day

And be grateful
Show gratitude for every single thing that turns up in your life
The appreciation from your spouse
The train getting to your destination on time
The fact that you have a job which gives you the potential to earn
The fact that you have a roof to shelter you
The fact that you can see the sunshine (or the rain)
That you can feel the heat (or the cold or the damp)
That you can hear, that you have people who love you, that you have opportunities
That life is full of limitless potentiality
It is only limited by your own expectations

The Universe loves you
The Universe is abundant
There is plenty out there for everyone – including you – and you are worthy and deserving

But you have to show the Universe you Trust
That you know that the way things work out are for your best
You have to have faith that the Universe knows what’s best for you
It’s like having a Satnav, putting in the address,s then setting off the way you ‘think’ is the right direction. Nine times out of ten you’ll get lost or it will take much longer.
What’s the point of having the Satnav if you’re going to do it your way

It’s the same as the Universe
Put in the address (the goal) take the action (the driving) listen to the Satnav (trust the Universe) watch the road (more action) and you’ll get to your destination. The fact that the journey might take in some really nice sights, places you wouldn’t normally see means you can enjoy it much better.
The struggle has gone out of getting somewhere you’ve never been before.
You’re just trusting – trusting the Satnav to get you there.
Trusting the Universe to get you there
Same thing
And the gratitude comes from the letting go – knowing you’re being looked after, taken care of …

It makes life so simple.

So the Steps are ……….
1. Have the goal
2. Feel it, live it, see it – bright powerful
3. Tell the universe – with daily affirmations , tapping, visualisations,
4. Let go of the outcome
5. Give up the struggle
6. Take the necessary action
7. Trust the Universe to get you there safely in whatever way it deems
8. Enjoy the journey

And if you need the help to keep doing this, the daily motivation , even being accountable to someone so you get to where you want……..
I can help you
That’s what I do
Subscribe now or email me at
Have a great weekend
Enjoy the sunshine

Author's Bio: 

I've been on my own personal development journey for many years, discovering, learning and studying with some of the very best experts in their fields.
I’ve always worked in a people environment helping and advising so it seemed a natural progression for me to move from that to becoming a personal development coach.
I believe very much that unless you re-programme your negative beliefs and thoughts you'll never 'move on' and that could be with relationships, weight loss, health, career, money.
Using the very powerful and effective processes of EFT, NLP, and Hypnosis, I motivate and steer people toward living the lives they want rather than what they 'should' or been told to. This gives them the opportunity to truly live the life they deserve.
I believe that what we put out there we get back and the only way to improve our lives is by ‘reprogramming’ our mindset.
The 3 greatest internal blocks people have are fear, self doubt and procrastination. When we release those we can be, do, have whatever it is we truly desire.
Like a computer when the 'hardware' isn't congruent with the 'software' no advancement can be made when we are out of sync; and it's the same with our brains. If we say one thing – and believe in our subconscious something totally, different we’ll never make the changes we think we want. Our thoughts and beliefs are what makes us tick so whatever the issue whether it’s relationships, work/career, money, self esteem, confidence; I help people look at what is holding them back and help them release those ties enabling them to go forward with whatever it is they desire. . But it can be a very painful process, the letting go, and people have to be ready and willing to make the changes. Affirmations are wonderful tools but useless without that one major ingredient – Action!
Once you take the Action, are consistent and make the commitment – YOU make it happen
With Persistence plus Confidence YOU equal Success