As more people choose the easy way out of buying traffic, organic traffic is still the best of all.
Put some effort into your work and, instead, get it for free. Well, one of the quick methods to
achieve this is using SEO expert Los Angeles, and two, keep reading our actionable SEO plan to
get more insights. A research carried by the Search Engine Journal shows that 70% of users click
on organic links. One method that does not disappoint is adding SEO to your content marketing.
It can help improve your organic search traffic.
Meta description and title tag
Users click the meta description to open your content. Whatever you write needs to entice your

Choose your words well; load them with “call to action.”
Use a clear USP.
Add a benefit that your user will get.
Align your words with search intent.
Do you ever wonder why people won’t click on your site even after appearing in the search
results? You can do the following;
Look for the keyword that ranks you on the first page, find those with low CTR, and work on
their title and meta descriptions. Ahrefs Site Explorer can help you get that report.
Use engaging content
There is a need to power up your content because you want to show you are the best and deserve
to get on top. You need to go the extra mile and dig up what your audience would instead look
for in the web search. Google your target keyword, and you will get ideas from the top-ranking
sites. Now, with that insight, you can serve your visitors on a silver platter. Don’t lose relevance
to the article as you aim for an arbitrary length. Add3 will tell you that an engaging article will
generate more organic traffic.

Start link building

Before you receive links from other websites, they need to verify if you are worth linking to.
Work hard on your website to ensure you are delivering pure gold. That won’t be hard to notice
your efforts. Ultimately, the three ways to get those links will be creating them, earning them
with your outstanding content, and building them.
After you get content with what you have on your site, you can use influencers to add your links
on their page.
Apply the same method while seeking backlinks and outbound links. Get them from credible
sites with good PR. Many believe internal links influence Google ranking , which is true.
However, avoid buying backlinks that may result in spam. Your website might get flagged by
Google after they rolled out an algorithm update known as Google Penguin.

Use substantial internal links

If you consider useful, relevant links on your page, they will hook your visitors to your site. The
more they stay, the higher chance they are likely to convert. SEO experts Los Angeles can also
advise you on boosting your page performance in organic search and increasing the flow of
PageRank in your site.
Renew your old content

It’s time to add a “Midas Touch” to your past articles that previously didn’t do so well. When
you do so, they may appear as if they are new to Google. Sometimes you might have some page
facing difficulty in driving traffic. To find out which they are, using Google analytic will help.
Another essential tool that can work in this area is the Animalz’ Revive. It will analyze and find
you a list of posts that needs refreshing.

Make social media your friend

Using social media well will reward you. It is where you will find the most users, and it’s
prudent to share your content. Ensure to have shareable content by adding social bookmarkingbuttons. Once you do that on your blog, your followers can start sharing your content with other

Use long-tail keywords

From the time the panda update got rolled out by Google, SEO experts Los Angeles, and other
professionals, embraced the long-tail keywords. If you are a blogger, I am sure you’ve heardoften of using a long-tail keyword. But do you understand what that means? It’s using three to
four phrases, such as “top salon around” or “best place for pizza.”

Using these words helps the user connect with the blogger as they drive the right traffic.
Long-tail may not generate that much traffic, but it gets the targeted traffic far better than the
generic one. So, if you are aiming for organic traffic, long-tail is the way to go. We can suggest
you try Ubersuggest and Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner to research for long-tail words.
Keep writing consistently

When you start blogging, don’t try the water. Come up with a goal and get prepared to update
your posts frequently. Keep your audience entertained with fresh articles and stick to your niche.
They will be looking forward to your next job, and you can even show a sneak-peek of what to
expect. That will build a good rapport with your users, and eventually help to generate targeted
traffic. Search engines will also love this from your blog, and their reward will be a high rank.

In conclusion

Using the in-depth info shared above will gradually give you more organic traffic if you are a new blogger. Even those who already have blogs can apply the same if they want to improve their organic traffic. But some prefer to handle such work to SEO experts in Los Angeles,which is a good thing. Either way, work hard to earn organic traffic, rather than buying

Author's Bio: 

I'm Naman Modi Serial Entrepreneur, Business Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert, CEO & Founder of Naman Modi Digital.