Being unable to achieve an erection once in a while is fairly common. In such cases, medication is not really needed. Sometimes, stress or drinking too much alcohol can be the reasons behind your inability to copulate. More often than not, tension or anxiety brought about by the feeling of being ...Being unable to achieve an erection once in a while is fairly common. In such cases, medication is not really needed. Sometimes, stress or drinking too much alcohol can be the reasons behind your inability to copulate. More often than not, tension or anxiety brought about by the feeling of being unable to satisfy a woman can also cause your inability to have an erection in the first place. But all these are temporary.

Taking a pill to make your organ stiff is actually not the only way to achieve an erection. If you want to provide long-term relief from your problem and boost your sexual life, you need to make permanent changes to your lifestyle and eating habits . Unless your doctor tells you that you have erectile dysfunction, there is still hope for you to enjoy a hassle-free sex life. Just follow these tips below.

Allocate Time For Exercise

Having problems down there can be caused by a wide variety of things. Being unfit is one of them. If you want to improve your sexual relationship with your wife or partner, you need to exercise regularly. Exercise will help improve your cardiovascular health, boost your stamina and endurance, and also improve your blood circulation. These factors are important in making your loved one happy and satisfied in bed.

Watch Your Weight

Studies have shown that sexual libido of men who are overweight and obese is significantly lower than those who are within normal limits. Moreover, your feeling about how you look when naked can affect your performance and erection. Maintaining a healthy weight will not only be good for your sexual health, but to your total wellbeing as well. Remember that the most serious illnesses are brought about or exacerbated by excess weight and fat.

Check Your Medication

For those who have other conditions and are taking medications, you need to talk with your doctor regarding your problem. Some drugs can actually affect your performance and ability to put 'it' up. Your doctor will surely help you look for other medications or treatments that will not affect your sexual performance. However, it is important that you do not discontinue or alter your drugs or treatment without the knowledge of your doctor.

Limit Alcohol Intake

A glass or two of wine can help you feel turned on; however, anything more than that may prevent you from having an erection. Thus, if you are planning to have a night of endless pleasure with your wife, girlfriend or partner, you have to lessen your alcohol intake. Besides, women hate alcohol breath.

Quit Smoking

Aside from being bad for you lungs, brain and other internal organs, smoking can also impair proper blood circulation. According to a recent study, smokers (both current and former) are around 30% more prone to suffer from impotence than non-smokers. And if smoking is bad, then using illegal drugs is worse. Aside from other problems and complications, drug or substance abuse can also cause impotence.

Reduce Stress And Anxiety

As mentioned earlier, erectile problems can also be caused by psychological reasons. Men who are suffering from stress, tension, anxiety and depression will surely find themselves not in the mood for some hanky-panky. If you want to bring the passion back into your life, you need to know how to relieve stress and ease tension and anxiety .

Taking a vacation every now and then, having a massage , drinking chamomile tea, or talking with a therapist can be helpful in easing tension, stress and whatever psychological problems you might have.

Mind What You Eat

The things that you eat can also affect your performance in bed. People who eat a lot of sugar and processed foods are most likely to suffer from impotence due to diabetes. Toxins and chemicals in the food that you eat can also make you feel sluggish and less energetic.

One way to flush out all the chemicals, waste products and toxins inside your system is through detoxification. One product that can make internal cleansing easy for you is Colopril. For more information about Colopril, go to .

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine .