The use of hypnosis as a viable therapeutic method is becoming more accepted today than ever before. This allows you to use the natural power of your subconscious mind to make positive changes in your life.

The most common uses are:

1. Smoking CessationIt is widely known that hypnotherapy for smoking cessation has the highest success rate of all the stop smoking methods. In most cases, smoking cessation can be accomplished in just one session.

2. Weight Loss
Most people who go on diet end up gaining the weight back within 1-5 years. Hypnotic techniques for weight loss empowers you to create a new healthy lifestyle, while controlling any eating issues you may have.

3. Fears & PhobiasFears are our bodies response to a dangerous situation, while a phobia is an intense and irrational fear. Hypnotism if often used to overcome common fears and phobias. Some effective techniques include systematic desensitization and age regression.

4. Stress Management
The prolonged negative effects of stress can lead to many emotional and physical illnesses. Most stress management programs include the use of various mind body techniques including hypnosis. Some benefits include feeling more relaxed, having a better attitude , eating a healthier diet , exercising regularly, and sleeping more soundly.

5. Pain ManagementMany studies have shown that hypnotherapy is very effective for the treatment of both acute and chronic pain. The number of pain management clinics that are using it as a method of treatment for their patients is growing everyday. Pain management techniques address both the physical and emotional aspects of pain.

6. Sports PerformanceTop athletes have been using visualization and mental rehearsal techniques for many years as a part of their training program. Sports hypnotism goes even deeper by allowing you to overcome obstacles, gain confidence, improve motivation and attitude , enhance focus and performance, and much more.

7. Various Medical Uses
According to reports, close to 60% of Physicians are referring their patients out to complimentary therapies. It is well-documented that hypnosis is very effective in helping patients with pre-surgery preparation and post-surgery healing, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Chemotherapy side effects, and Hypertension.

Author's Bio: 

Darren Hiller is a Board Certified Hypnotist & EFT Practitioner with a private practice in Dallas, Tx. His services include: stop smoking, weight loss, pain & stress management, fears & phobias, sports hypnosis, habits, addictions & much more.