one of the best ways of generating more traffic through use of social media for your blog is through the use of video marketing. However, the ease that is usually associated with producing and delivering of short videos has never been made better. There are also more places where you can distribute your videos other than Youtube. We can briefly look at how you can use the video you created to build more traffic to your blog.

What Has Made Video So Popular

There are three major changes that have occurred and which make video more popular than ever. These are bandwidth; the initiation of widely available broadband internet access has enabled more people to consume video easily.

This kind of change extends to mobile platforms and also devices that have made video to smart phones become an ordinary experience over cell networks or tethered to local area networks. Then, there are various good video sites that combine content by topic and make cross-promotion of videos an all natural experience. If you make a video on a certain topic, the individuals viewing other related videos are very likely to discover you.

Imagine how generating traffic to view your content would be; however, when you submit to a directory for content like Youtube, you will likely be in front of millions of viewers. Finally, production capacity of individuals to make short and good videos has been made better by use of free tools and and web friendly video recorders that are also affordable. What is more, iPhones and flip cameras have made it easy to record and post videos.

More Than Just Youtube

Just like Yotube, there are many other video sites out thre like which you can check out. Such sites distribute videos to a number of sites. You can also familiarize yourself with Google video on where you can view how your videos in searches on Google. If your blog has any relations to any specific topic area, you can search the internet to find out if there exist video directories in that niche. You may search for "your niche topic + videos."

Easier Than You Think

Making or creating videos has never been easier. You can obtain a USB headset with a mic at an affordable price cost at an office supply store or even online. You can use the free version of Jing to record your screen ( ) and create videos of up to five minutes in length. Also, the iPhone 4 comes with a free HD video recording ability. On the other hand, the flip cameras offer low cost solution for recording video off-screen.

Getting Traffic

Every video that you come up is a piece of content which carries with it meta-data and explanatory content that greatly influences the "find-ability" of your content. Below are some tips that can be used to generate more traffic out of each video.
Opt for popular topics. People look for everything at equal levels in volume. So, you can think about your ideas for videos which will fall somewhere on a scale of popularity, and come up with a more appealing content to internet user who are searching for the most popular topics.
Jump to the head of the line. Many have already discovered that keywords, titles, tags and descriptions are effective for being at the top of the search results that relates to that particular topic. So, you can use this and slightly edit items like title and description. However, for tags, you may copy and paste.
Create lots of short and helpful videos. By doing this, you will be able to put more hooks out and also you will be able to leave the viewer unsatisfied thus leading to them clicking on your links and visiting your site more often.Include your URL at the very beginning of your description and also ensure that you include "http://www" at the beginning. Doing this will enable sites like YouTube hyperlink your site.
Use annotations or explanations in your video. For instance, on Youtube, you may add annotations in a bid to encourage more traffic to your website.

Make your titles more interesting. You can think about magazine covers to facilitate all your creative juices going. Also, if you can write a good headline, your video will definitely get more views.
Encourage people to visit your site. You may begin and end your video through sharing the benefits they will get from going to your site. Advising internet users on what to do will definitely increase traffic to your site.
Finally, act. Don’t choose perfection. A simple action like getting out there with your first video is the next best step. Do not wait for everything to be perfect, keep going. With time, you will get better at all the best practices and you will realize that you even have more traffic to your website. You will also be able to create a positive feedback loop for yourself which will also naturally energize you to do more.

Author's Bio: 

I am Guneet Singh working as SEO Manager with SEO RANK SMART since its inception. I started my career working as a webmaster with an IT company in New Delhi. Thereafter I developed interest in Link Building as I was working with search engine optimizers in my organization. Since then I have been working on SEO and have developed a kind of expertise in Search Engine Optimization. Then I went to USA to pursue a Masters degree in Internet marketing. I have been considerably successful in applying my theoretical knowledge not only to fulfill my professional goals, but I do serve my clients with my expertise at SEO RANK SMART as they seek to uplift their existing internet marketing efforts.