Do you write in a journal on a regular basis?

There is no right or wrong approach to journaling, but there are ways that are more effective and helpful to you.

What's important about journaling, is not that you follow a certain criteria, but rather that you are writing on a consistent basis about that which is aiding your continual growth and gratitude .

What I often hear from my clients when I ask them to keep a journal is that they don't have time, and/or they don't know what to write about.

I have to confess, I have not one, but two journals. Yes, two. I guess you could say I love to write.

One diary I have is specifically for what I am grateful for during my day and I usually do this before going to bed. Just about anything and everything that I am thankful for is recorded in this book.

My other one is a binder, and on the cover are various pictures and words that I have chosen and I can look at at anytime I want and feel inspired, peaceful, or joyful. This journal is for jotting down my thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

I also can use this one for re-writing situations during my day, or jotting down how I am doing in being accountable towards my goals as well as where I'm shining in my life and where I need a little extra polishing.

As I find this really effective and enjoyable, I provide each of my clients with one that they can make their own.

People journal differently. What's key is that it's useful to you, and something you look forward to doing, rather than it being a chore.

Here are 7 tips for effective journaling.

Choose a journal that feels right to you. Journaling is becoming very popular, and with that, the selection of books to write in has really expanded. I could buy almost all of them; I just love all the colours and designs. There are leather ones, some made from recycled paper, and ones with lines or no lines. They come in all different colours, or ones that are plain, elaborate, or with pictures, writing, or quotes on the covers. Take your time selecting the one or two you feel the most drawn to.

Set aside time to write. Maybe you prefer to write at the beginning of the day or the end of it, or maybe on your lunch hour. Whatever works best for you so you have time to journal. Perhaps you are willing to devote ten minutes a day, or perhaps twenty minutes or a half hour. Some days may be easier than others to find time, but make sure to take time if you can each day, as it's more effective and beneficial when you are consistent.

Make your journal useful. Write about things that are important for your growth and gratitude. Perhaps you want to jot down all the people and things you are grateful for each day; I highly recommend doing this. Maybe you want to write down the goal(s) you are working on and what steps you are or aren't taking towards them. You might want to write about your day - like what you loved, liked, or disliked about it. I also like writing about where I've grown and did well, as well as where I need more patience, forgiveness , etc. and what steps I can take to do that.

Put some feeling into it. Don't just jot down or write for the sake of doing so. "Feel" what you are writing about. If you are thank-ful for your family and friends, take a moment and really feel that. If you had a rough day, really acknowledge that, then feel how it would be if it was how you wanted it to be, and then write about that.

Be creative and have fun with your entries. You can use your journal to write about all your hopes and dreams . You can brainstorm and jot down your ideas and plans. You can make a wish list of all the things you want to do or have. The more creative you are, the more enjoyable it will be to write. It's also a great outlet when you have had a tough day, or a delightful continuation of how wonderful and magical your day was.

Add a little inspiration and affirmation. After you complete your thoughts, write down a quote, prayer, something inspiring, or an affirmation. Find a picture, or use stickers, or key words that help to encourage, motivate, or bring joy and peace to your days.

Give thanks. If you aren't writing down specifically all that you are grateful for during your day, write down at least one thing you are thankful for that day. This is a wonderful way to end your writing. It places you back into a space of gratitude and love for all that is.

No matter how and what you are journaling about, let it be a time to feel, reflect, inspire, progress, and give thanks.

Enjoy your time and writing. Who knows where that may lead you. Perhaps you will discover things about yourself you never knew before.

You may begin to appreciate yourself and life with much more love and gratitude than you ever had before.

"Journaling isn't just a great outlet, it's a great journey inward, onward, and upward". Kimberley Cohen

Use these techniques to assist you in how to journal effectively and the benefits you receive from doing so.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".