Writing an impressive press release is only half the work done. The other half is submitting it to the relevant people. Every day, journalists get hundreds of press releases in their inboxes. Do you think they read all of them?

Most of them go to the trash. The others are read-only up to the headline or maybe the first para.

Even if a journalist reads your press release till the end, it’s no guarantee he/she will cover the event.

So, before you submit a press release, you must have successfully answered the question:

“Why should a journalist read my press release and attend my event?”

Answer this question by putting yourselves in the journalist’s shoes.

Once you are convinced about your press release, time to contact one of the reputable press release submission websites .

Why take the headache of collecting data from relevant sources and then sending your precious content? You can easily hire experts to do the job.

Benefits of hiring a submission service >

• Reputable services feature a vast network. Your press release will certainly go places.
• The team offers details of where your press release is submitted.
• Reputable services don’t just send the content. Their team of editors reviews your content first to ensure it's polished enough to create an impact.
• They offer media contacts that are 100% relevant to your business.
• They don’t just submit your press release to a handful of resources. They find out who all are interested in your business and ensure your content reaches them. They call this: ‘targeted media distribution.’
• Most reputable press release submission websites feature manually-run search engine submission. This ensures your content reaches major websites and is indexed faster. This means your audience will find you easily.
• Such websites constantly upgrade their network. So, you are connected with the trendiest media hubs. You can also expect to find a newer audience and expand your network.

When you associate with such websites, you don’t simply give them the task of submitting your press release. You build a long-term relationship not only with the team but also with the relevant media sources.

Is press release submission service only for big businesses?

It is true that big businesses may find it tough to maintain a large database and manage the submissions. A big organization may have lots of events going on in various departments. It’s good for such organizations to collaborate with press release services who can manage their PR outlets.

That doesn’t mean only big businesses need to hire a service. Small businesses can also benefit from press release submission services.

Small business needs to expand. You must find relevant sources for greater exposure to your business. A reputable service can help your content reach to the newer audience thanks to their vast network. A small business may not have a huge network in the beginning.

Even startups can benefit from contacting one of the best press release submission websites. They are just starting and a little help from professionals can give their startup the much-needed exposure and audience.

Resource Box:

Maxnewswire.com is one of the prestigious press release submission websites with a global reach. Visit the site to find more about this popular press release submission service .

Author's Bio: 

Mike Smith has hand-on experience in content marketing and affordable press release distribution that’s the reason why his blogs on the subject are educative and easy to understand. Mike has been a creative writer and is focused on the world of content marketing for many years now.