For many, impotence is a daily struggle to overcome. Not only is there frustration over the situation but also frustration over finding a method to fight erectile dysfunction. The trick to dealing with impotence is knowing that it is treatable. In all, there are seven methods for achieving more long-lasting erections. They are, in no order of importance, effectiveness, or popularity: pills, pumps, prostheses, injections, hypnosis , surgery, implants, and suppositories.

For men who have trouble getting or keeping erections, pills have been one of the best remedies. The well-known drug Viagra works quickly, has few side effects, and is inexpensive. Other drugs, competitors of Viagra, work in a similar way, but feature slightly longer or shorter erection times for the user. One problem with these pills is that men with high blood pressure or heart problems cannot use them. In those cases, people seek out other methods for regaining proper sexual function. Suppositories are inserted into the penis, where they deliver a drug that is very much like Viagra. After that, the man gets a full erection, but many subjects have said the insertion of the suppository is quite painful.

Injections will initially be performed by your doctor, but after the first few treatments, you do the procedure yourself. The drug of choice for this method is Alprostadil, which does nearly the same thing as Viagra. Injecting a chemical substance into the base of the penis, with a large hypodermic needle, right before sexual intercourse can be painful, but you will get an erection within about ten minutes. Implants are permanently placed into the penis, and are activated by a pump located inside the scrotum. When you want an erection, just reach for the pump. It’s simple and effective, but not cheap. Because it is essentially a penis balloon that uses no drugs, the pump has a small but vocal constituency.

Surgery and hypnosis are last resorts for men who cannot use pills, suppositories, or Alprostadil, and who don’t want implants or pumps, but desperately wish to be able to achieve an erection. Hypnosis is a longshot, so to speak, with claims of effectiveness that are hard to substantiate. The studies do not stand up well to scrutiny. Surgery has a one percent success rate, and most doctors refuse to do it for that reason.

Fortunately, a huge majority of males can take Viagra and similar drugs to achieve full, enduring erections. Each of the seven methods has its advocates in the medical community, and each have advantages and disadvantages. If you suffer from impotence, and are looking for a way to get some relief, it is best to speak with your doctor to figure out which method to start with.

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