According to a recent survey, stress affects 30% + of the population on a daily basis. Too much stress can contribute to a long list of health problems as well as family problems. The good news is that there is plenty you can do to help get balance back into your life.

The Tell Tale Signs of Stress

* Not being able to sleep properly

* poor concentration and increased irritability

* Drinking excess caffeine, too much alcohol and smoking more

* An inability to make decisions and feeling frustrated by this

* Palpitations, a lump in the throat, dry mouth or slight tremor of the hands

* Never being able to sit down and relax

* Any of these relate to you? If you have any of these symptoms how do you think they influence your ability to be patient with your child? How about consistent? How about being present?

There are many things we can do to reduce the amount of stress that exists in our lives. I teach a specific tool called "The Life Circle" which guarantees that 8 days out of each and every month you feed your most important physical, personal and emotional needs. Coaching clients say it "changes their lives". (Keep your eyes open for the new program I'm launching in the new year that will include the teaching of this amazing tool.)

Other things you can do to create inner calm are:

1) Breathe - When everything seems as if it's getting on top of you, taking a few deep breaths will make you feel a whole lot calmer. An amazing CD to help you with this is : Dr. Andrew Weils Breathing CD . You can have a look at it HERE on page 3

2) Pause for thought - Meditation can be very effective in easing stress. Find a quiet spot and sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Close your eyes and relax for 5-15 minutes. Breathe deeply and focus your thoughts on an object. You can also just breathe and repeat a word such as "Calm" or " Peace "

3) Take a bath - Taking time out to have a soak in a warm bath can help you recharge. Add a few drops of relaxing lavender or chamomile essential oil to your bath to help calm and soothe.

4) Listen to my interview with Dr. Jana Exner on what vitamins are essential in helping your body deal with stress. Vitamin C is HUGE!

Life will always throw things at us, so it's up to us to learn how to manage life. We can manage it by making conscious choices about how we live our lives. Only by being conscious can we live the life we all secretly desire - for ourselves and our family . Begin today by making just one little change.

Author's Bio: 

Erin Kurt, parenting & life coach to working mothers, and founder of ErinParenting, is also the author of Juggling Family Life and creator of The Life Balance Formula and the How to Get Your Child to Listen program.