1. Read from start to finishFirst, some of the problems when we start reading are that we don't know where to start to read. So what's the right way to read?

To read the book is as follows:

It's about just reading from start to finish, never coming back. There are many of you who are finishing reading, forgetting the meaning of the previous paragraph, returning to reread the last paragraph they just read or the last sentence they read or the last page they read.

My reading principle is never to come back. Read it, don't come back until the end. Like to come back, after reading it all, come back to read.

2. Take the time to summarize the book.Take the time after reading. Example: If I read a book for about 30 minutes, I'll spend 5 minutes recaping it. If the book has been read within a week, it is usually spent one morning recaping the book. In summary, the method is a method of thinking diagrams either fish bone method or Checklist method. Which method is convenient for you and regains the book's main ideas.

I encourage a pencil summary, the fishbone diagram is as follows: the main idea, after the second idea to the sub-meaning, it will be the fishbone diagram. Then when we read the fish bone diagram I remember the contents of the book very quickly. Any diagram you want! We have to summarize the book. Pencils are okay, computers are okay.

For example, the book 7 Success Habits: I finished reading, I will remember 3 principles for individuals, 3 principles for the team and 1 principle of personal development . In each of those principles there are small principles, little bullet lines. Then the easiest way to remember is to make a table of contents, read the table of contents.

Next, I'll read the book table of contents first to get an overview of the book, then read the details inside. If you need to look up where you are more in-depth, read the table of contents and then read on from the table of contents to the inside. That's how we read.

With each book you should have a summary diagram and after a year you already have a book summarizing the book.

3. Every time you read a book, you must link it to your current lifeThis is the most important technique I have not seen in any book that has this part, which is to link it to current life. That means you become the character in the story.

For example, if the monk sells a Ferrari, you will become a monk.

Next, every idea in the book will have to be applied in life. By being always wondering: What am I going to do with this idea?. This is a very important thing.

4. Each idea in the book must be applied in life.Every idea in the book needs to be included in your life practices. Then you can remember the book well.

With relation to the step "What am I going to do with this idea?" you also need to put someone else in this position if they read the book. For example, what would they do with this idea if a person succeeded? If people are more successful than us, what are they going to do with this idea?.

For example, readers of the book are Rich Habit – Poor Habit by Tom Corley, there is a passage: the rich are focused on investing . The poor are always looking to spend money. Then see if you are spending money, your most recent money is invested or spent, you will find out if you are rich or poor. Then you apply it right into your life.

Then you find some rich friend in your life. Then see if he's an investor or a spender. There will come a section in the book to buy a used car, if you buy a car, you have a habit of buying a new car or you have a habit of buying a used car. That's an example of what we're talking about in the book. The section in which the rich are told is to buy used cars, while the poor often buy new cars.

For example, the rich often buy less expensive clothes, the poor often buy high-end clothes. Practice checking whether you're trying to be rich or if you're trying to be like a normal person. This makes sense logically.

5. Make an action planTo be effective when reading, you should apply in your life immediately.

How to do this: After summarizing the book, just give you an action plan. Every book needs an action plan. That's how we do it. After a while, check how many things you've done in the last action plan.

Put it into practice by making a list of actions to take.

If nothing happens, reread and re-read the reading process.

So, if we buy books , are we happy? Are we rich when we buy books ?

Not rich, definitely buying books is poor.

Why? Lost money!

But remember this, losing money, what do we do?

We have to take it back now, we have to take it back now, how do we remove it? Take it out to DO.

The second thing I learned. Besides the books are from his friends. Playing with those people, people have good skills, they always want people around them to have good skills like them.

If this view is that the rich will keep it a secret. That's the poor man's point of view.

In fact, the rich always want the people around them to become rich.

6. Check how much you've doneThus, from books to practice to the result is a long journey, not immediately. Make the book a reality and verify it. You have to check, you have to measure your business daily. Whether you follow that book or not!

Make and measure results. Only then will some time knowledge come into you.

Do and measure the results, after a period of re-checking to see if there are things you have not done, read again from the beginning.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tony Hoang. I have a passion for sharing my knowledge with others