6 Fun Ways To Get In Shape

The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb and sugar-free foods. But, despite the popular diets, “magical” pills and the latest, greatest fitness machines that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight. These 6 fun ways to get into shape will provide tips to having fun while exercising. Wikipedia has some great suggestions on how to get in shape https://www.wikihow.com/Get-in-Shape .

For true weight-loss success, health experts stress the importance of changing your lifestyle for the long term and exercising regularly. Here are some creative ways to make fitness fun again, and help you win the battle of the bulge once and for all.

6 Fun Ways to Get in Shape

1: Arrange Healthy Social Outings

Make fitness part of your social life. Hopefully by now we all know there are countless physical benefits to integrating exercise into our daily routine. Even though we may know exercise is great for us, occasionally life gets in the way or we lose our motivation to stay physically active. Whether it’s because we’ve hit a plateau or we are just struggling to find the time, it’s important that we overcome these speed bumps along the way. Exercise and bring your friends along. You can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, kickboxing, aqua aerobics and yoga .


2: Walk or Run For a Good Cause

Training for a 5K charity walk, for example, may be all the motivation you need to get started on a regular fitness routine. A charity walk or run raises money for a good cause by capitalizing on people’s desire to help, as well as get in shape. And there are any number of good causes that need cash infusions–from cystic fibrosis, AIDS or breast cancer research to school districts that face music and sports cutbacks without additional revenues. Best of all, you’ll be helping your favorite charity accomplish its goals.

3: Dance for Exercise

Join a ballroom or hip-hop dancing class. Get ready to hit the dance floor! Dancing is a whole-body workout that’s actually fun. It’s good for your heart, it makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and coordination. A 30-minute dance class burns between 130 and 250 calories, about the same as jogging. It’s a great way to shed the pounds, learn how to dance and have fun. This is just one of the 6 fun ways to get in shape!

4: 30 Minute DVD Workouts

DVDs help you change up your regular workout routine and provide a fun new way to tone your body right in the comfort of your own living room. If you’re looking to get in the best shape of your life without putting up with crowded gyms, expensive memberships, or accidentally lying in pools of other people’s sweat, then exercise DVDs will take your fitness game to the next level. The workouts are not easy, but when you see that six-pack staring back at you in the mirror, you’ll definitely know they’re worth it.

5: Lifting Weights

Lifting weights is a great way to burn fat and gain muscle. Join the local gym or purchase a few weights to get in some simple exercises. Let’s start out with one of the most obvious benefits of weight training: that is it helps to make you stronger. Significantly stronger. There are various types of workouts that you could do in order to improve your overall fitness – but if you are looking to get stronger, then lifting weights regularly really is the most efficient way to do this.

6: Playing a Sport

Participate in a local intermural sports team and make exercising fun! There are athletic events such as volleyball, basketball and soccer. Whether you’re a former high school varsity athlete or have never played organized sports before, joining an intramural league in college could be the perfect decision for you. College is a major transition for most students, and playing intramural sports is one way to help you through that transition.

These are 6 fun ways to get in shape and have fun while you’re at it!

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Author's Bio: 

Christine Reidhead is an avid seeker of knowledge and zealous humanitarian who shares an incredible passion for the art of serving the community. Serving as an advocate of education, she aims to enlighten the lives of underserved communities. Christine wants to ignite a positive change among the masses through her passion for community service and the love of sharing others life stories. She is a proud mother to two wonderful boys and strives to be an inspiration to all. Christine presently serves as a Business Professor, Department Chair of Business and Faculty Vice President. She is the Founder and CEO of AfrikRising Nonprofit Organization. Christine is the author of Get That Job! Ace Your Job Interview – every time!