Every year countless students enroll in preschools and childcare centers for receiving a high-quality education. It is where their journey towards future achievement begins. Teaching forms the foremost pillar for success and teachers play a crucial role to impart quality learning . In this article, we shall discuss 6 elements or components of childcare teaching that prepare children for the future.

Age and developmentally appropriate curriculum
Age-appropriate learning revolves around making teaching flexible to a toddler’s level of understanding, It means recognizing the willingness of a child to learn, and then teaching her/him with that method that suits her/his style and capabilities. In a nutshell, it’s all about planning customized lessons. For designing a curriculum as per age and that encourages development, teachers must undertake a childhood care education course.

Stimulate learning with sufficient opportunities for playOne of the foremost priorities of preschool educators is enabling learning with play or gaming activities. The inclusion of games and fun activities keeps stress and boredom at bay and facilitates children to unleash their full potential and creativity .

Creation of a learning environment
Teachers often focus on creating a classroom conducive to learning where students will demonstrate ideal behavior and show obedience. They intend to make the classroom peaceful and orderly by setting rules and guidelines for the little learners to follow.
However, it doesn’t end on making a classroom environment conducive to learning as there is more to it. Teachers strive to create a classroom environment where students get the opportunity to make their own learning choices. Teachers focus on upgrading sensory activities, art areas, science centers, imaginative play areas, and manipulatives from time to time to help advance children's learning. They provide a wide gamut of learning opportunities that brush up a wide range of skills.

Equal opportunity policy for studentsEqual opportunities at school are making sure that all students enjoy equal opportunity in terms of accessing quality education and throughout all aspects of school and that their life chances for the present and future are not impeded or distorted by anything that happens during their participation. To know more about it opting for a childhood care education course is a good idea.

Appropriate methods of observing and assessing childrenChildcare educators often adopt suitable methods to appraise the performance and track the progress of children in academics. Methods of assessment for children in the classroom includes informal (based on what teachers observe naturally in the classroom), gathering facts or data and portfolios of previous performances in exams, utilizing educator and teacher ratings) and formal (using evaluation tools such as questionnaires and standardized testing).

Experimental teaching
Educators at the childhood level often adopt ingenious methods of teaching to make learning interesting for toddlers. The curriculum they plan integrates age-appropriate activities that facilitate little learners to put their own ideas and creativity to test and explore the repercussions of their actions. They are allowed to participate in hands-on or practical experiments in science subjects. This is how they first start to comprehend the concepts of science and stimulate their analytical minds, develop the ability to solve problems and motivate them to be inquisitive and ask questions. In this way, it builds up a solid base for secondary learning and develops a passion for science subjects.

Interested in becoming a childcare educator? Join IITT and make your dreams come true. We train teaching aspirants and mold them into professionals to work in top Indian and foreign schools. The childhood care education course is ideal for prospective as well as seasoned teachers looking to upgrade their skills and make learning fruitful for children at the childhood level. Our other groundbreaking courses include pre-primary teacher training, primary teacher training, Montessori teachers training, language enrichment, teaching grammar, classroom behavior management, elementary education, a course in teaching grammar, classroom material development course, Educational leadership, administration & management course, and much more in both regular & online format. We also provide 100% placement assistance to the aspirants after successful completion of the program.

Author's Bio: 

Laxmon Gope helps children grow and develop important skills from the very beginning. with her skillful writing on academic topics. She has been a preschool teacher earlier and has contributed to the development of the children.