Spending hours a day in front of a computer is now part of almost every job description. Combine that with a commute, meal times, and entertainment, and the average person could spend up to nine hours a day in a chair. It is not wonder people reach the end of their work week feeling stiff and tired.

Sitting down for extended periods is bad for your health. In fact, scientists have linked sedentary lifestyles with heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, there are ways to help combat the negative effect of a sedentary lifestyle. Simple, easy, and designed for doing at a desk, these short movements are a great way to keep moving for those who cannot get out of the office.

  1. Do Desk Yoga

Stretching it out helps keep your blood flowing and prevent you from sitting still too long while providing you with a few moves to stretch out and improve your posture.

Desk yoga does not require any special materials nor does it mean embarrassing yourself in front of your colleagues. Instead, do some simple in-chair postures , like a seated twist, seated backbend, and wrist release.

Perfect for those with open office plans or anyone new to desk exercising, these are the same postures found in a normal yoga class, and they translate well into the work place.

  1. Take Breaks Every Hour

It is easy to sit at a desk all day and never move. Combat this tendency by setting an alarm to get up and walk around every hour . Doing this will get you up and moving, which is great for posture, circulation, and burning a few extra calories. It will also help improve productivity by providing with an opportunity to refocus.

  1. Exercise with Your Chair

Chairs are good for more than sitting in – they also make excellent exercise props. Those looking for a more of a workout can use their office furniture.

Stand up, shake it out, and then use the chair as a prop for some chair squats. To raise your heart rate, do three sets of twenty reps with a break between sets.

Use the chair for your upper body by performing dips. Place your hands on the front of the seat of the chair with your back facing the chair. With legs stretched out in front, bend your arms to dip before pushing back up. Do three sets of ten reps.

  1. Ditch Emails

Adding additional movement to the day by hand delivering messages. If a question or comment could be delivered directly to a co-worker, march across the office and do it. This adds the benefit of moving more, and also promotes productivity by cutting down on the send-and-wait game that is email.

  1. Do an Ab Workout

Sitting provides an opportunity to improve the abdominal wall. Use this opportunity to improve your abs in one of a few ways.

Start by performing a low key exercise like the ab lift. This will really help strengthen your core and alleviate back pain . Put both hands on the seat of the chair. Keep knees bent and use your arms to life yourself off the seat while trying to lift your knees as high as possible.

Another option is to buy a special cushion for your chair. A wobble cushion can be placed on the chair, and it helps work your abs all day by forcing your body to balance and stimulating your core muscles. It is a way to work out without having to work out.

Functional movement throughout the day is the key to both health and productivity . Use at least one of these five tips every day to get through your work day without hurting your health.

Author's Bio: 

I’m a social entrepreneur and a strong believer in using people-to-people networks through the use of technology to improve people’s lives. Think locally and impact globally – building community through business.