The conversations about CBD oil are almost anywhere you look right now. Online, in the news, and on social media people are discussing the benefits of this possible alternative to traditional medications. Since CBD oil doesn’t contain THC and carries many of the same benefits as THC products without the effect of getting “high” there’s an increased interest in what CBD oil might be able to do for you. While other medically used cannabis products might scare you off because of the legality or psychoactive effects involved, CBD oil doesn’t carry the same set of issues. In fact, CBD oil derived from hemp under specific circumstances is now federally legal in the United States (state laws may vary.) The ability to treat an illness with CBD oil is growing more appealing to average consumers with each passing day. There’s always been a market for alternative medicine and CBD oil is no exception. If you’ve ever wondered what it might be able to do for you here’s a look at five illnesses CBD oils can help treat.

1. Anxiety And Depression

This is a big one for CBD oil. The effects of CBD on anxiety and depression have been studied for a long time. CBD has been proven effective over and over in patients testing it for their anxiety or depression related issues. Mental health diagnoses like these can be difficult to treat, and the use of standard medications is not something every person diagnosed wants to explore. CBD is rapidly becoming a validated alternative to standard anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications. It’s especially exciting to think about it being effective for conditions like anxiety and depression because traditional medications can sometimes take weeks to work. In studies, some patients have reported relief from symptoms in as little as a few days. CBD oil has been tested on various anxiety -related mental health issues like PTSD and OCD with promising results as well.

2. Epilepsy

CBD has been touted as an epilepsy treatment for years but mostly because of people themselves trying it and talking about the effects. More recently however, this anecdotal evidence has been backed up with scientific research to show some types of epilepsy can be treated with CBD oils. The FDA has even approved two different CBD based drugs to treat symptoms related to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. It’s important to note that CBD oils treat the symptoms, and will not cure epilepsy, but having its efficacy noted even by the FDA is a big deal. A reduction in symptoms can make a huge difference in the quality of life for anyone experiencing epileptic seizures on a regular basis.

3. Cancer Symptoms

When you look at CBD oil for cancer-related symptoms you’re going to find that most people are turning to CBD to relieve nausea and vomiting related to their cancer treatment medications, and with good reason. CBD has been helpful to many patients who otherwise were left suffering from frequent nausea and/or vomiting because other medications weren’t working for them. Some patients can’t tolerate the side effects of standard nausea medications while others just find them completely ineffective. The good news here is once again the FDA has stepped in and backed up evidence about CBD being effective by approving 2 medications for cancer treatment-related nausea and vomiting. For patients who may have been hesitant to try CBD because it wasn’t something their doctor could prescribe the FDA approval is a green light and show of support.

4. Acne And Other Skin Related Issues

CBD oils can be used topically in addition to being ingested. This means that it can be used to treat things like acne, eczema, and even psoriasis. Because it has anti-inflammatory properties many who have tried CBD for their skin conditions have had great results. It can be used as a spot treatment for an unexpected blemish, or daily directly on problem areas to keep skin problems from getting too far to control without other medical interventions. If you find that a lot of the acne treatment products on the market are too harsh for your skin, or just want something more natural, CBD oil in a topical application could be a great fit for you.

5. Pain

Sometimes this is a surprise for people who think you must have the THC component to feel the benefits of medically used cannabis products. The main thing to keep in mind here is that as already mentioned, CBD oils have anti-inflammatory properties. There have been studies using CBD topically in gel form (think of it like a version of Icy Hot) to reduce pain in animals and humans. The studies have shown promising results with many patients reporting their symptoms were helped or entirely alleviated with the use of CBD oil. It’s important to note that this is once again another topical application of CBD oil or CBD containing products like gels. Ingesting CBD oils for pain relief has had some success but the real key seems to lie in topical application for the best results.

It’s always important to remember that CBD oil is used to treat symptoms of illnesses and shouldn’t be considered an actual cure. With that in mind, it’s still a great option for many people out there. There are some side effects, as there are with any medication. Dry mouth, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue have all been reported but that doesn’t detract from its benefits, which often far outweigh the side effects. CBD oil and its positive effects on patient symptoms are more widely recognized by the medical community on a daily basis. With the FDA approving the medications it already has, and continued studies into CBD oil’s possible uses the sky could be the limit on where you will see this type of treatment go. If you’ve had a hard time with anything mentioned in this article and found traditional treatments to be underwhelming, CBD oil could be exactly what you’ve been hoping for.

Author's Bio: 

New York Times bestselling author Hamza Fox writes sweet, fun, action-packed mysteries. His characters is clever and fearless, but in real life, Hamza is afraid of basements, bees, and going up stairs when it is dark behind her. Let’s face it. Hamza wouldn’t last five minutes in one of her books.

Hamza is best known for his Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries and for his Accidental Demon Slayer books.