5 Tips to LOVE Everything about YOU!

We all desire love from others, but how many of us truly love ourselves? It’s easy to lose sight of the need for self-love when you are filling your to-do list and caring for others. But if you come to truly love and accept yourself, just as you are now, you will come to find that life is more beautiful and fulfilling.

Loving yourself may seem odd at first, but it is essential to living a happy, healthy, prosperous life. Many people struggle with having self-love because of negative self-talk. Luckily we can change our self-perception by changing the way we see ourselves in our mind’s eye.

If you struggle with loving yourself, below are 5 tips to transform the image you have of yourself to one of love, honor, and respect. You can become all that you desire simply by loving you. Give yourself the most-cherished gifts of all: love and acceptance. You deserve to feel joy and to be loved by you!

Listed below are ways to love yourself. If you follow these tips daily, you will come to love yourself more fully, which will improve your self-image to enable you to accomplish your dreams .

1. Say “I Love You” Every DayWake up, look in the mirror, say “I love you,” and give yourself a positive compliment each time you see your reflection, including car rearview mirrors.

2. Love and Respect Your Body
Respect your body by expressing verbally out loud how much you love and appreciate it. Speak to your body as though you were speaking to a loved one. Honor what was created to eat by feeding your body high-quality foods. Make proper nutrition a high priority.

3. Wear Flattering ClothesWhat do you wear most often? What you wear expresses how you feel about your body image. People often try to hide behind big shirts and baggy pants. Hiding your beautiful body reflects to the world a low self-image.

4. Stop Negative Self-TalkHabitual inner dialogue affects all aspects of your life. If you think kindly about yourself, good job! However, if you think negatively—stop it! When you are positive you are open to giving and receiving love.

5. Take Pride in Your AccomplishmentsTake pride in all that you do. Set goals that inspire you to become better, create a game plan to achieve your goals, then follow through. When you are productive and accomplish what you set out to do give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Carol Whitaker is the author of Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams. Carol is a highly sought-after lifestyle fitness and life coach and is well known for the amazing transformations she creates in her clients’ lives. Carol is a motivational speaker and is passionate about inspiring men and women to live a ridiculously happy, fit life. Carol is an ongoing featured expert on national media and online websites. She is dedicated to helping people accomplish their dreams. Carol is a happily married mother of three. Connect with Carol on Facebook to receive her health, fitness, and happiness tips or follow her on Twitter. Visit CarolWhitaker.com to learn more about her transformation services, along with tools and secrets to discover how to create your best life today.