Prostatitis is one of the common diseases in middle-aged men. Its etiology and mechanism are more complex, so any single treatment effect will not be more obvious.

What to do when you can not get a cure after treatment?

1. Radical prostatitis
Prostatitis is a common inflammatory disease, which can be cured clinically. Patients can control prostatitis symptoms by oral drugs, such as antibiotics, alpha-blockers, M receptor blockers, Chinese patent medicines, and plant preparations. Especially in treating chronic prostatitis, including nonbacterial prostatitis, Chinese herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can help patients eliminate symptoms and causes and cure the disease. When they have no symptoms and the examination is normal, they can achieve the clinical cure.

But prostatitis can recur for patients with some bad habits , such as long-term drinking, sedentary. If you maintain a better lifestyle, prostatitis can not recur for a long time. Prostatitis has no other harm, and active treatment will not lead to infertility or sexual dysfunction. Patients do not have to be panic.

2. Correct understanding of diseasesMany patients lack sufficient knowledge about the disease. They think that since prostatitis is inflammation, antibiotics will be effective. However, bacterial prostatitis accounts for less than 5%, and nonbacterial prostatitis is more common.

The incidence of prostatitis may be related to season, diet , sexual activity, urogenital tract inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia or lower urinary tract syndrome, occupation, socio-economic status, and psychological factors. The cause is complicated, and people should receive the treatment after a specific examination. Take medication blindly will lead to the aggravation of prostatitis symptoms. And long-term use of antibiotics will also produce drug resistance, increasing the difficulty of treatment.

3. Psychological factors
Many patients with prostatitis will have psychological problems, such as anxiety. They will worry about this disease will cause sexual dysfunction, leading to infertility, which will add a lot of psychological burden to patients during treatment, which is not conducive to recovering the disease. Therefore, when cooperating with doctors, they should not ignore psychotherapy.

Family members should ease the patients' tension, enhance their confidence in treatment, dispel their worries, and actively accept the opinions or suggestions given by regular hospitals.

4. Lifestyle changes
For many diseases, especially chronic prostatitis, some habits in daily life are essential for treatment. Sometimes, even if you have recovered, some bad habits , such as sitting for a long time and eating spicy food, will lead to a recurrence of symptoms.

During the treatment, patients with prostatitis should avoid eating spicy and irritating food, avoid alcohol, and all other foods that are not suitable for eating. In daily life, they should also do moderate exercise , avoid sedentary to improve their immunity and resistance, and maintain adequate sleep and increase the body's disease resistance.

5. Family support
Family members should also understand the common sense of prostate disease and actively participate in the treatment and nursing of patients to establish a good family atmosphere. It can reduce patients' bad moods, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and improve family life quality. So the family members are always a solid backing for solve problems.

Prostatitis is one of the common diseases in men, which seriously affects patients' work and life. Whether it is the high medical costs or the pain and embarrassment in the treatment process, it will have a particular impact on patients. Therefore, in daily life, patients can listen to more relaxing music to relieve tension.

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