Why are brands like Coca-Cola or Fairy able to maintain their market share in the face of white label push? Is Mercadona or Carrefour's carbonated drink really so different from that of the multinational in Atlanta? Are you sure that Fairy spreads much more than Alcampo's detergent, when the latter costs less than half? The reality is that the difference in quality between the original brands and their dealer replicas is not as great as many consumers believe. Despite this, most still spend extra to buy some brandable products.

The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: the power of the brand is what convinces customers that it is worth scratching your pocket a little more if you get the best in return. Getting to achieve this certainty in the imaginary of the population is not an easy task. A brand cannot be achieved overnight. It takes years of dark work to develop a better understanding of the message that has to permeate the population.

The message, not the product, is important
The owner of this section may be misleading. But in marketing, there is a reality that is not usually considered. It consists of generating a story around a product or service. Without a narrative behind it, the reference is of no interest to the client. For this reason, the most successful brands try to issue messages and slogans that impact our purchasing behavior and that tell us little or nothing about the virtues of the product. Examples? Infinite but BMW's “you like to drive” is perfect, as is L'Oréal's “because I'm worth it”, or the slogans of practically the entire perfume industry. And what about any luxury brand. It will be almost impossible to find one that focuses its message on the quality of its products. On the other hand, it will highlight the intrinsic quality of your potential client.

Do not believe what it is not The chances of being the lucky holder of a successful brand rise exponentially if behind the name there is a reality and a product designed and put on the market to solve a problem that society has. If it is not your case, it is not worth trying. The path never goes through wanting to sell an external image that is different from that of the company. The corporate culture must walk hand in hand with the brand and must always know the customer.

Help the customer
The attachment to a brand is achieved when it becomes essential. With the idea of ​​increasing this importance in customers, there is a promotional website for brandable products . The good performance of commercial and marketing management should influence the development of content that builds relationships and helps clients make informed and thoughtful decisions. In this way, when a product must be chosen, it will always be more feasible to end up selecting the one with which there has been a relationship.

Good customer service is the best brand
Since its inception, the leading Spanish telephone manufacturer, Bq, has given great importance to its customer service in a sector where this effort is not common. The result is that you have achieved superb brand awareness without having to spend too much on advertising. Entrepreneurs must learn this lesson and take advantage of technology to design a good customer service strategy. Now, with the Internet, everything is easier. So take advantage of it, as good customer service will increase the positive impact of your brand.

Don't settle for just digital environments
The aforementioned technology, and the ease of accessing digital channels, often leads entrepreneurs not to explore the benefits of offline communication. A brand can also benefit from the employer's attendance at different events, talks, fairs or conferences. Contributing our experience in a small but select public environment also benefits brand awareness.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover!