It can be difficult to admit that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, but it truly is the first step to recovery.

Once you’ve taken this step, and recognize your addiction and its impact on yourself and others, your new focus should be choosing a strategy to get sober and change your life for the better. It’s likely that you’ll consider inpatient or outpatient rehab during this process.

But how do you know if you’re ready to go to rehab? If you’ve reached the point of questioning whether or not to go to rehab, your issue is most likely severe enough to require professional help. You can work with a counselor or therapist in an outpatient or inpatient setting to develop a recovery plan and begin living a healthy, sober lifestyle.

In addition to recognizing and accepting your addiction , there are other signs that can indicate that you need assistance in overcoming your dependence on drugs or alcohol.

You’ve Operated a Vehicle While Under the Influence

Driving while drunk, buzzed, or high is a careless behavior that indicates that you cannot control your use of drugs or alcohol, or use so much of your substance of choice that your judgment is seriously impaired. Getting behind the wheel when you’re not sober makes you a danger to yourself and everyone around you.

You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms

If you experience symptoms of withdrawal when you stop taking your drug of choice – including headaches, chills, or nausea – then your body is telling you that it has become dependent on that drug. This dependence is a sign of addiction . Many rehab facilities offer detox programs, where medical professionals can help you safely manage the symptoms of withdrawal.

Loved Ones Ask You to Stop Using

If your loved ones have repeatedly asked you to stop using drugs or alcohol, or seem disappointed or upset when they realize you’re under the influence, it might be time to take a step back and examine your own behavior and substance use.

You’ve Experienced Legal Issues Due to Drug or Alcohol Use

If you’ve gotten a ticket, had to go to court, or even spent time in prison due to your drug or alcohol use, it’s likely that you’re addicted to your drug of choice. Continuing to use despite these consequences is a sign of addiction.

You’re Unable to Quit

You might have previously recognized the negative consequences of your drug or alcohol use. You may have even quit for a few days at a time, but have repeatedly found yourself unable to stay sober for long.

Written by Shaylyn Forte, LPC, CAADC

Author's Bio: 

Desiree Patton is a Media Correspondent for Pyramid Healthcare, Inc., a provider of treatment for adults and teens suffering from addiction or substance abuse, as well as individuals with mental health disorders. Our locations in western, central, and eastern Pennsylvania allow us to provide comprehensive care across the entire state to people with behavioral health issues.