It's amazing the amount of stress and pressure brought on by major, unexpected life changes. A layoff, a breakup, a move, financial worries – it doesn't matter the type of life change, as even positive life changes can bring along a great deal of stress and worry.
The mind and body are used to routines. They find routines to be calming and inviting; a way to know what's going to happen in the future and feel welcomed in the present. Then, after a life change comes, suddenly that routine is gone, and all of that comfort about the future has completely changed.
Living with change is never easy, and there are several methods that experts employ to try to reduce your anxiety and make the transition easier. Anyone experiencing intense stress or anxiety because of life changes should take advantage of those options. But another important part of dealing with changes is simply having fun and enjoying life. So in addition to the techniques you implement to handle the stress and anxiety of change, here are a few examples of turning your transition into something more enjoyable.
Transition Fun Tips
• Create a Game
Consider creating a game out of your situation. It doesn't have to be a particularly complicated game, or a particularly interesting game, but it should be a game that you can play daily that turns the negative things you experience into something more interesting. For example, you can play unemployment bingo. If you lose your job, create a bingo board (with a "experience anxiety" as the free space in the middle, of course) of all of the possible scenarios that may occur on any given day/week, such as a rejection letter or an intake phone call from the places to which you've applied. If you get a bingo, treat yourself to something fun like ice cream or frozen yogurt.
• SMART Goals for Fun Activities
The SMART goal system is one of the best ways to focus on a task and ensure you make your way to its completion. It involves cutting larger goals down into several smaller sub-goals that have a specific time frame and keep you focused towards the end goal. Come up with a list of things you've always wanted to do, then create SMART goals for it. You'll get a lot of joy and a sense of accomplishment from completing all of the smaller tasks, and goals are one of the best ways to make a transition more bearable.
• Create Expressive, Interesting Art
Art is always an enjoyable endeavor, and it's also a great coping strategy for anxiety and life change. Engaging in art allows you to let out your stress and emotions onto a paper, sculpture, or canvas, in a way that focuses the mind on something productive and works as a useful venting tool. If you want to make the art more fun, try painting or drawing something ridiculous, like a five legged green rhinoceros. The end result will probably look terrible, but you'll have a good time doing it.
• Watch Funny, Happy TV
Studies have shown that television may actually increase anxiety. Depending too much on electronics keeps you inactive and unable to work off some of the energy that comes from the anxiety of transition. But while television (and other electronics) are not necessarily good for daily anxiety, they can do wonders for those going through a transition, as they become a form of mindless entertainment that keeps you from focusing too much on change. However, your choice in programming is very important. Remember, you want to watch television that represents how you want to feel, not how you currently feel. So find light hearted sitcoms and comedy television specials, as these will keep you laughing – one of the best medicines for life's troubles.
• Play Sports
Physical activity is a known treatment for anxiety causes , and sports /activities is a known method of reducing the effects of major life events. Combine the two to create an environment that promotes better wellness , even in the event of major life change. It is also a useful social tool, and social support has been proven to be an important part of dealing with life transitions.
Finding the Fun in the Midst of the Chaos
These methods are designed to simply serve as an example of what you should consider in addition to any anxiety treatment method you undergo. Dealing with life change is not just about preventing or reducing the symptoms that you experience as a result of the change. It's also about finding a new way to find your life fun, interesting, and something you can and will enjoy with each passing day. Look for ways to have fun despite these life changing events, and you'll find that the transition isn't as hard as it was before.

Author's Bio: 

Ryan Rivera is a former anxiety sufferer. His methods of dealing with life change and stress, as well as information on anxiety and mental illness can be found at .