I have personally witnessed thousands of people worldwide imprisoned by fear. They are trapped behind the bars of not being worthy of success and shackled to their past mistakes. Are you one of those prisoners? Have you been wrongly convicted and given a life sentence by the enemy of fear? It’s time for you to break free! How can you possibly break through the bondage that has kept you chained down and unable to move forward in years? Make a decision. That’s right. You must make the decision that you will no longer be a slave to fear.

The original Hebrew root of the word “decision” means to cut off and get rid of. It’s done. It’s finished. No more. It’s decision time! Take a deep breath and get ready to change your life with these five decisions that will shred fear out of your life.

Decision #1: Make the Shift

In the movie, “Facing the Giants”, the coach cares enough about one of his players to get in his face and confront him about his fear. He sees that the player has the gift of leadership, but is wasting it. The coach pushes the player and makes him go to a level where he’s never been. He’s got to see beyond where he’s been by doing something that he’s never done. At that point, the shift happens…the shift from the past to the present…from where he’s been to where he wants to go now.

A shift gets developed when you’re focused. Lack of focus will kill your dreams ! When you make that shift and get laser-focused, it’s guaranteed that you will achieve your goals and dreams . Unfortunately, the biggest distractions in our lives that cause us to lose focus are other people. These people don’t believe in you or your dream. They are insecure dream stealers that won’t take the action for that shift in life to happen. There’s only one thing to do when you are surrounded by these types of people…get away! If they are family or close friends, then it’s time to love them, leave them and show them. Let them know that you love them but you have to take time for yourself to achieve your dreams and then your action that you show them in pursuit of your goals and dreams will greatly change how they see you. What happens next? The shift!

Decision #2: Take Ownership of Your Why

One of the top things that you must do to get fear out of your life is take ownership of your Why, which is your ultimate purpose. It’s the reason you get out of bed every day. When you take ownership of your Why, you own it no matter what happens, no matter what occurs each and every day. It’s your Why and nobody can take that from you! Your Why is the insurance that backs up your goals and dreams. There’s no way that you can give up on your daily quest to achieve your goals and dreams if have taken full ownership of your Why.

You have to protect your Why, because it’s yours and you own it. If someone walked into your home and started taking your valuables, I have no doubt that you would stop them, because it’s your stuff! You own it! However, why do most people allow the naysayers to steal your Why on a daily basis? It’s simple. They haven’t taken true ownership of their Why in life. You have to fight for your Why like you would fight for your belongings. If you have someone in your life trying to take your Why away from you, the get rid of them. Like I said before, love them, leave them and show them. It’s your Why so take some action to protect it!

Decision #3: Make Your Pledge

A pledge is a declaration, a solemn vow. It’s your responsibility to make a pledge to yourself and your Why to be the very best that you can get every single day. When you make a declaration to yourself and everyone around you that you will not give up on your Why, fear will flee! There’s no room for fear if you are truly committed to your Why!
That’s right. I said a commitment! Your pledge is a formal commitment. It doesn’t waiver or falter during the tough times. Your pledge causes you to lead by example with your attitude , words, ethics, and values. Your pledge is the driving force behind your Why. It pushes you and serves as a constant reminder about your commitment.

With the confrontation and resistance that constantly bombard us in society, your pledge will be challenged. You will be pressured to give up, because the world says that your pledge is not realistic. What do you do? When you get pushed, push back hard and speak your Why in the face of the enemy. You have made pledge, a vow, to your Why and you must refuse to let anyone cause you to doubt it. Remember, you’ve made the shift in your life to go to the next level, you’ve taken ownership of your Why, and now your pledge to your Why is in place. So, what’s next?

Decision #4: Build Your Mastermind Team

Your mastermind team is your support system. They empower you to prosper in every area of your life no matter what obstacles stand in your way or the adversity that you face. Now, close your eyes and visualize who is on your mastermind team. Does that image make you smile or does it cause you to realize why you are failing in various areas of your life?

If the people on your mastermind team do not add value you to your life and encourage you to go after your dreams, then it’s time for a change. An unmotivated, discouraging mastermind team will ruin your chances of ever achieving your ultimate Why in life. These types of people are selfish and their motives are very different than yours. Fear will constantly consume you if you continue to allow these people to negatively affect your life.

What if you have no one in your closest circle of influence that you would ask to be on your mastermind team? Well, it’s time for you to venture outside of that circle and meet some new people that have similar goals and dreams. The Lifestyle Freedom Club is the #1 success and motivation club in the world, and the members are motivated champions just like you! Check out this amazing place to build your mastermind team at www.LifestyleFreedomClub.com . No fear exists in this club!

Decision #5: Create a Solid Foundation

When a house is built, a lot of time is spent laying the foundation. If the foundation is not solid, then the house will eventually crumble. Similarly, you cannot achieve your Why in life without a solid foundation of commitment. Your Why will fall apart and become unachievable if you are not seriously committed.

Imagine your commitment as the foundation of your Why house. The windows are your daily action steps, the walls are your habits , the roof consists of your mastermind team, and so on. Do you realize how easily this entire structure will fail if your commitment is shaky? It might be stable for a while but it will eventually fall down around you.

You also strengthen your foundation by continuing to grow your roots deeper and deeper. Your roots are developed by immersing yourself in personal development – listening to motivational CDs, reading inspirational books , etc. Your belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your Why will skyrocket when you create that daily habit of learning . As your belief builds, your roots grow and your foundation becomes more solid.

I’m often asked if it’s okay to take some time off. When you stop your daily success habits and take a break from your personal development , cracks will start to develop in your foundation. Even the slightest little crack will allow the weed of fear to sprout through and endanger your Why. If you are truly committed to the achievement of your Why in life, then you should absolutely no desire to take a break from your success journey.

Now, let’s recap…

Decision #1: Make the Shift

Decision #2: Take Ownership of Your Why

Decision #3: Make Your Pledge

Decision #4: Build Your Mastermind Team

Decision #5: Create a Solid Foundation

Now, it’s your turn! Take action today and make these five decisions to get rid of the fear that is haunting you and preventing you from going forward in life. Don’t let the enemy of fear win. You are a Champion and you can defeat fear!

Author's Bio: 

John is an International Motivational Speaker who shocks millions globally by exposing the truth about how to achieve monumental life success despite the labels that society has placed on you. Through his award winning live seminars, power-packed training programs, live tele-classes and websites John Di Lemme has made success a reality for thousands of people worldwide.

For more information on live events, teleclasses and moreGo here now>>>>>http://www.lifestylefreedomclub.com