The keys to buying luggage are durability, style, usefulness, price, and toughness. Luggage needs to be dependable, fashionable, as well as functional. One of functions of luggage is to make travel easier and more comfortable. What people look for are bags that are light, easy to transport, yet tough. No one wants the bag to burst open or the handle to come off in the middle of transit.

When buying luggage you must not buy by price alone you need to consider toughness and durability. No one likes to arrive at a destination with a suitcase or bag full of wet clothes or clothes in disarray.

As a consumer you would need to consider:

1. What material is the luggage made of? Is it water proof and scratch proof? Will it tear easily?

2. Find out what the organizational features are. Will the luggage expand in size? Is it a “piggyback” bag? Has it got multiple pockets and compartments and will it keep outfits wrinkle free?

3. Before you look at luggage make a list of what you would need as a traveler. Will you prefer carry on pieces or check in luggage. Is size a constraint or not?

4. Think do you want soft luggage or fiber? Hard-sided luggage is better if you travel with fragile breakable items.

5. Do you want pull-mans? If so then would you like hard-sided, semi-soft or soft?

6. Would you like luggage with wheels and straps?

7. How about a matching tote or haversack. These are all purpose bags that can contain carry-on needs as well as beach items or books and so on.

8. Many travelers use garment bags to carry formal dresses and suits. Garments that need greater care and are likely to crinkle.

9. Look for durability and buy luggage that has handles, wheels and straps that are durable and user friendly. Find out how they are fixed on to the luggage and what their quality is. When traveling these are what must not give away or create a weal on your palms and fingers.

10. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before choosing luggage and buy colors that are eternal and not shocking pink because they are in trend or look good by the side of the famous actress or model who promotes the luggage brand.

Think before you leap, luggage is often used by more than one member of a family . So choose colors and styles that will suit everyone. Avoid frills and trims that make luggage feminine. While luggage can be stylish it does not have to match your outfits or car.

Before you buy luggage visit the online stores that stock prominent brands and read unbiased reviews on different kinds of luggage and their pros and cons. Always view a luggage set in person before buying. Visit local stores and malls and physically examine the kind of luggage you wish to purchase even if you intend to buy from an online store where it is much cheaper.

Author's Bio: 

Arthur Raise is a writer for Discount Luggage Sets , the premier website to find luggage, travel luggage, luggage sets, luggage rack, luggage tags, discount luggage, luggage reviews, luggage accessory, luggage stands and many more.