Visions of quitting smoking or weight loss are brought forth when the word "willpower" is spoken. Willpower can be extremely helpful in the other areas of your life, in addition to breaking bad habits .

Willpower is not something we are born with; it is something that we must develop as we grow. You can achieve your goals so much easier once your willpower is stronger. Why is this? The reason is that intensity and a focus that is unshakeable in our purpose will be developed.

What is the best way to increase your willpower over time?

These four steps will help you get started:

1. Resolution. It's mandatory that you are dedicated to obtaining your goals. You must commit your entire being to accomplishing your goals.

  • Do not have any reservations, thoughts, doubts, or excuses, so that you can be successful in the achievement of your goals. Have self honesty and be certain that you know that you really want to do this until it is over.
  • The desire alone will not guarantee you accomplishment. Know if you have a firm commitment or not to do this, and then take the proper actions.

2. Bring forth the strength which is inside of you. Persistence is required in willpower building. There may be times when you will need to call on everything you have to get you through the rough patches.

  • It's great that you have made a commitment to start the journey for the strengthening of your willpower and the accomplishment of the hardest goals for you. Many days will be successful, but some may not be so triumphant, and this is the truth. Call on your inner strength to get back on track on the days that are not so good.
  • We all have an inner strength which we have employed many times. Have faith in it and it will see you through these times.

3. Don't be afraid to ask for support. A huge task is attempting to achieve a goal by building your willpower. It can feel daunting at times. That is the reason that it is so important that we have supportive people in our lives at this time.

  • Confide in a important person with what you are attempting to do. This way, you can have the assistance of a trustworthy person to help you onto the right way, when you stumble and fall.
  • They will support you and give you encouragement to get through any rough patches.

4. Maintain consistency. You need to celebrate the fact that you have mustered the willpower in the stopping of smoking for even one week. You need to do whatever is necessary today, and everyday, forever, for cigarette avoidance, which is how your willpower is built. Quicker than expected, you will soon be celebrating two weeks, two months, two years, and then forever!

  • This method can be applied to any type of goal you are seriously attempting to achieve. There can be no excuses or exceptions in your willingness to keep up the positive behavior each day, all day.
  • You will see that things will just get better as you improve your willpower. Don't give up!

The concept of willpower can be quite tricky. We must become willing to go the extra distance, with a total commitment for success, if we desire breaking a habit that is bad, or going for a certain goal.

You should be honored if you are committed. Make certain to employ these tips that will assist you in building your willpower and celebrate the success all of your days.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Foo is a Personal Development Blogger @ where he writes about Success, Personal Finance, Wealth Creation and Entrepreneurship.

He has successfully brought together 48 personal development bloggers and writers to co-author one of the most powerful *Success* eBooks on the web - The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People - and it is available to you FREE ! Grab your free copy of the eBook now at -