We are always evolving, growing and expanding in our personal, professional and spiritual lives. Everything occurring is for this very reason.

The question to ask is, "What stage of transformation am I in?"

Think of it like a butterfly’s metamorphous; there’s the egg, the larva, the cocoon, and the emergence.

We are constantly in a never-ending cycle of self-transformation. Recognizing the 4 stages helps us emerge from the where we are and assists us through the next phases so we’re not staying stuck in our limiting beliefs, or circumstances. Instead we are living life to the fullest.

1. The Egg: This stage is about observing your thoughts and ideas.

This is the beginning and a time for investigating your beliefs and noticing how, and if, they are holding you back. Are they creating stress, fear, anxiety , doubts and obstacles?

Or, do you feel centered, calm, and content?

This place is for watching how your thinking is affecting your happiness , health, wellbeing, relationships, your job, your financial situations, and most importantly, your spirit.

This space is about gaining insights and staying connected to the infinite source from which they are emanating.

2. The Larva: This stage is about introspection by listening, following, and trusting your insights.

This is the where great ideas form and changes begin to take place.

Perhaps it’s about whether you need to make a decision, a change, a move, or a shift in your mindsets, attitudes, or situations.

Maybe it’s about acceptance and trusting the process of evolution that you are undergoing in different aspects of your personal, professional and spiritual life.

This is about having or gaining faith in your valuable insights, and seeing the opportunities to grow, expand, and evolve.

This is not a time for quick rash decisions but rather a time to generate new possibilities and allow things to progress and develop without judgement and fears.

3. The Cocoon: This stage is about development, growth, and change.

You feel energized, renewed, and ready to break through the old beliefs, attitudes, and mindsets that were holding you back and you are open for new beginnings.

It’s not about right or wrong decisions. The choices you make are for your growth, learning , and expanding.

This stage is about gaining valuable knowledge, skills, character, authenticity, and integrity.

This is where you are connected, comfortable, confident, and content in your choices because you are trusting where they are emerging from and are seeing the bigger picture of your migration.

4. The Emergence: This stage is of transformation , welcoming, sharing, and creating.

It takes great determination and strength to break through the silk that butterflies have woven around themselves.

It is no different for you. You have woven the threads of beliefs throughout your experiences and your life, and it takes faith , determination, and inner strength to work your way through those.

Once you are out of the cocoon of the ego you are free until the next time you find yourself stuck.

You could crawl back into the cocoon, or spread your wings and show your true colours of being free to enjoy all your errors, efforts, and victories; and to know you are not alone and are guided at all times wherever and however long or short your journey.

Being free means sharing your ideas, your dreams , and your authenticity with the world.

Each and every day you are entering the various stages of self- transformation and all of the phases benefit your migration.

When we feel we are up against a decision to make, tough or rough times, changes, obstacles, or fears, just knowing we are in one of these stages of transformation helps us to emerge through the chrysalis and emergence, and into the freedom to soar through them.

Isn’t it wonderful to be renewed in spirit and life, and recognize the evolving journey we are all on together for each other’s development and expansion?

It may not always seem this way, especially when things aren’t going smoothly, but this is the time to remember what stage you are in and know that you can break through the silk of your ego’s cocoon at any given moment and experience the freedom.

Your emergence provides you with the freedom to spread your wings and fly and colour the world with your brilliance.

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".