1. 50 + is the new 35! I say this because I am in my 52nd year and I feel 35. My inner being is doing everything now that I would have done at 35 if I had only known how much fun it could have been. But I was busy, busy, busy; raising kids, running a household trying to work part time, grocery shopping, cleaning a house, taxiing around everyone to their various interests – whew! I had no time to breathe let alone be 35. I am so glad I am enjoying it now. I now have time to look back at the goals and dreams I had in my earlier ages. Do the same and write them down again. Revisit each one and see if they are still as important or you today as they were then. If they are then go for it. Once written down, prioritize those precious gems, and then start today taking tiny baby steps towards your top picks. Every mountain is made of a million stones. The mountain didn’t rise over night but grew one pebble at a time. So too are your goals achievable. Break your goals down into small steps and give yourself a timeline for completing each step. Then put on your favorite walking shoes and keep on trekking

2. Menopause is your best friend – a b----, but you gotta love her. Get used to your new best friend. She is your Fairy God Mother. She is there to remind you to nurture yourself, celebrate the amazing woman you are remind you daily that you are blossoming – I know, under a heat lamp right into the fridge – but still you are growing into a wise authentic woman. Research the process and decide for yourself the best path to take as your venture along this brightly lit road. She’s not going away so love her as you would yourself, eat right, rest, exercise and have support from different sources. You are not alone; every woman at this age has the little ”bitch” as her best friend.

3. Study your ABC’s. Fairytale endings to relationships are guaranteed in children’s books but not certified in real life. Everyone starts a relationship with the lovable intention to live “happily ever after” but in reality circumstances happen and things change. So it is important to discover and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself first. For a strong sense of self-love will keep you standing tall with wide shoulders. Loving who you are just as you are, and remembering your ABC’s – “I am Absolutely Beautifully Created!” – will help you weather every storm and enable you to see all the rainbows as you learn to dance in the rain.

4. Go back “to school” basics – the 3 R’s: Reflect, Respect, Rejoice! Reflect proudly on your past with pure admiration. Stand and show your badge of honor as you graduate from student to learned Master. Respect who you are now and always. As you stand before the mirror basking in the glory of the fabulous woman you see, pay homage to every line you see on your face as each one has a wonderful story to tell. Every gray hair sings a song about the accomplishments you have completed. Every change in your body shape is a celebration of your physical existence; it is your body telling you to revamp your style, boost your wardrobe but most of all accentuate your authenticity. Rejoice in all you still have ahead of you. Trust your gut and have the courage to listen to your well-developed intuition. You have dreams to be achieved, accomplishments to be celebrated, dreams to be realized and victories to be tallied so be willing to play hard and fall hard. Take on every challenge embracing the cliché: ‘what would you do if you knew you could not fail’ in every moment of every day?”

Author's Bio: 

Tamara Elizabeth is a certified self-love and transformational coach and Master Motivator of women in transition. She empowers women to look into the mirror and reflect the fabulously lovable selves. She is the author of an inspirational workbook for women titled,” Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! –Discovering My Lovable Me. Tamara strives to find the humor in life and you will find your coaching experience very positive – the ride of your life. Do you want to discover how to empower yourself, and reflect upon your own journey to self-love? You are welcome to visit Tamara Elizabeth @ http://moximize.me . Do yourself the favor - It is setting an intention towards your goal.