Procrastination gets in the way of getting things done when you have ADHD . (Even if you don’t have it, procrastination can be a big challenge!) If you implement these 4 keys in your workday, you will be well on your way to getting more done.


This can be a difficult one if you have ADHD . Planning can feel against your nature, but I still encourage you to give it a try. When you plan every day, you know what you need to do and increase your chances of getting it done. Sometimes procrastination looks like forgetting to do something. If you write it down and plan to do it, you are more likely to actually accomplish what you need to accomplish.

Smaller Tasks

Break big projects into smaller chunks to help each step of the project seem more manageable. For example, if you have to develop a new process at work, it can be pretty easy to procrastinate because it is literally a HUGE process and assignment. If you can identify smaller chunks and try to focus on one chunk at a time, it can be easier to get started.

First Thing

Work on your hardest project or task first thing in the morning. I had a client who was in the middle of a job search when we were working together. She procrastinated about making any type of phone call because she just does not enjoy making phone calls. To counteract her tendency to procrastinate, she made a commitment to herself that she would make one difficult phone call every morning by 9:30am. Once she made that phone call in the morning, she felt more confident that she could tackle all of her challenges that day!

10 Minutes

If you are having trouble getting started on a project, start with just 10 minutes. Set a timer and just get started on the project. If you work on it for 10 minutes, chances are that it will be easier to get started. When the timer goes off, make a conscious decision – STOP because you are just working on it for 10 minutes or KEEP GOING because it really isn’t so bad after all!

What do you think about these tips? Will they work for you?

Author's Bio: 

Laura Rolands is the founder of My Attention Coach. She is a coach and consultant who is passionate about helping individuals and organizations pay attention and increase productivity. Laura is frequently named as a valuable resource for help with ADHD. To download her free resource on Time Management, visit