
I agree…it has been a challenging year for most sales organizations. However did you know there are some sales professionals and organizations that are actually thriving in this environment? It’s true. How are they fortunate to excel? Is it luck? Hold that thought…

As a Sales Management Consultant I have the pleasure of working with numerous sales organizations throughout the world. Unfortunately, in dealing with the sales challenges of today’s environment, I see the frustration of many sales management teams. The economy and other external forces will continue to be a factor on sales results – it’s the nature of the sales profession. However, high performance sales teams recognize the challenges and continue to thrive in any economic climate by focusing on 3 major strategic initiatives. It’s a given, the foundation of any successful sales team are its people. Assuming the right people are on the bus, here are 3 lessons to help you succeed in any economic environment:

1) Construct an Effective and Efficient Sales ProcessIf asked to explain your sales process, how would you respond? If your response is theoretical in nature and more objective than factual, please keep reading…

High performance sales teams understand their sales process and how it relates to bottom line results. More importantly they know how to execute it and duplicate success daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. A sound sales process is one that is simple, can be easily communicated and executed against. It explains the focus, strategy and most importantly the follow through of how results will be delivered.

2) Define the Relevant Sales ActivityThere’s sales activity and then there is relevant sales activity. Relevant sales activity has a directly impact on sales results. For example, many sales organizations measure and evaluate “phone time” as an indicator for sales success. The theory is the appropriate amount of sales time a Rep spends on the phone should yield the desired sales results. There have been instances where Top Performers were written up because their “phone time” was not up to par. Unfortunately, phone time is not a good indicator. In fact, tracking phone time can burn unnecessary calories and can become counter productive by inspiring phony activity. There’s a better way…

High performance sales teams have a different approach to relevant sales activity. Contacts (defined as an opportunity to initiate the sales process) are recognized as a better indicator for sustainable sales success. Strategically, a success formula is constructed as the standard for the business based on historical performance and desired revenue at a company level. Sales Reps are then coached to execute against their own success formulas based on their historical performance and desired level of compensation. An overall emphasis is then placed on the activity levels necessary to achieve the desired Contacts goal and sales results – more contacts more sales. In addition, a value often in the form of revenue i.e. Value Per Contact (VPC) is used as forecasting tool to assist in sales projections.

3) Manage Activity, Not Results
Many sales management teams have great intentions in regard to goal setting for the organization. The desired results are known to most throughout the organization. However the activity levels necessary to achieve the desired results rarely hits anyone’s radar. The ultimate result is the sales results are managed in the rearview mirror.

High Performance Teams proactively manage their activity levels (i.e. contacts and VPC) effectively according to the opportunity that exist and economic climate. In slower times it is necessary to prepare, plan and execute at higher activity levels to achieve desired results.

Hopefully after reading this you can understand that sustainable sales success is not about luck. Or perhaps it is…years ago I came across a great definition of luck – when preparation meets opportunity. How “lucky” are you in sales?

Author's Bio: 

Rod McKinnis is founder of The McKinnis Consulting Group and the author of the recently released book Sales Is Simple – From Luck to Leverage now available on Amazon.com.Additional Resources on Sales Management Training can be found at:

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