When dream memories are far between and few, what’s an aspiring dream catcher to do?
Dreams are incredible experiences that everyone benefits from. Whether remembered or not, they're doing amazing work in your life and are critical to how well you learn, grow and thrive.
By paying attention to your dreams, you can further enhance their powers in your life. You can tap into dreams as a creative muse; integrate dream-work into your life for greater self-awareness and personal growth ; and even bring consciousness into your dreams to experience the wonders of lucid dreaming. It's all possible with good dream recall.
There are many, however, who rarely remember their dreams . They even believe they don't dream at all. If you're among those who think that, you can rest assured that you do -
According to the National Sleep Foundation, people dream an average of 4-6 times per night, but fail to remember 95 to 99 percent of what they dream.
The good news is you ARE having dreams and can improve your recall. All it takes is some desire and a few easy-to-follow tips. Let's tackle that oh-so-common dream question, "How can I remember my dreams?"
As counterintuitive as it may seem to journal dreams you haven't got, to journal is a great way to give dream memories a kick-start.
Your dream journal can become a portal to an active dream life. Even after all these years of connecting with my dreams, if I veer off course from my writing habit, a dreaming dry spell usually begins. Once I return to writing in my journal, dream memories return.
Your journal's an essential part of your dream catcher's toolkit - it's that place where your dreams are captured and stored, and later explored. Treat yourself to a journal that entices you to write. It need not be an expensive purchase. Just be sure to pick the look, feel, and style you most like.
Write something each morning - dream recollection or not.Write the smallest of dream fragment, if that's all you've got.
Make it your morning ritual to write in your journal about your most minor (of lack of) dream recall. If you've no dream memories, then write whatever comes to your mind, such as a thought, feeling, or emotion you've got.
Writing in your dream journal, regardless of having had one, sends a signal to your subconscious mind. Once it gets the message that you want to remember your dreams, it will comply.
Set your dream intentions before slipping off to sleep. This ups the likelihood that you'll remember a dream in the morning. Dreams respond to being desired and bedtime's the perfect time to get that message sent.
Before turning out the light, grab your dream journal and write about whatever's on your mind. This needn't be highly detailed - just a few thoughts will do. It's a great way to release the day, and you can even ask your dreams to bring inspiration in the night.
Dream Incubation is the practice of turning a problem over to your dreams for a solve. It's a great way to focus your dreams on something especially important to you. If a concern has you stressed, give this practice a try.
Don't be bothered by the fact that you're populating pages of your dream journal with waking day details. In fact, it'll prove quite useful when you're exploring your dreams for meaning and insights. These written thoughts will help bridge the connection between your waking life and dreams.
Once you've written something in your journal, consider your day shift complete. Now's your time for restorative sleep and dreams.
As your eyes close, affirm to yourself: "I will remember my dreams tonight." Envision yourself waking with a wonderfully vivid dream memory and see yourself joyfully capturing it into your journal.
The stage is now set. Let go and drift to dreamland.
How you wake to the day could be startling dreams away.
Your first few minutes upon waking are the magic moment for capturing dreams. Jumping straight out of bed poses a significant dream-catching-challenge.
First and foremost, ditch the alarm clock. This dream-shattering devise makes remembering dreams nearly impossible. When that loud alarm jolts you awake, your body's noradrenaline levels immediately spike. (It's that reaction called fight-or-flight.) You immediately focus on only the threat - forgetting all else. So, say goodbye to dream memories.
You can absolutely get your sleep cycles to be in tune with the needs of your schedule. If you keep a consistent bedtime, early enough, you'll soon adjust to waking at just the right time.
Can't get by without the alarm? Try one that more gently rouses you awake. For instance, there are alarm apps that have progressively timed chimes that start soft and ease up the volume. You just want to avoid anything that sends you into a waking panic.
Next, you want to stay in bed for at least a few minutes - like mentally hitting snooze. Avoid thinking about the day's to-do's just yet. Even if you don't immediately recall it, you were just dreaming. Now's the time to coax your dream memory back to the surface.
Remain in your sleeping position with your eyes closed as you try to recall what you were just doing... feeling... seeing. Like a momentary case of amnesia, your dream memory can suddenly return.
Perhaps you'll only have a vague feeling or sense of a memory. That's a clue you can still capture your dream. Continue to gently focus on recalling your last moments. More often than you might believe possible, you'll get a flash of a scene. That's all you need to keep reeling in the details.
Continue to lie still with your eyes closed, tracing back through the memory of your dream, grabbing whatever details you can. Then, once you've got the dream in your mind, sit up and WRITE IT DOWN. Dream memories are fleeting. Don't trust you won't forget. "I had the strangest dream," is a statement often followed up with "I don't remember it." If time's tight, write at least a few highlights to jog your memory later.
By following these tips, you'll be working your dream-memory muscles. Next thing you know, you'll be recalling dreams with all kinds of details - emotions, characters, symbols, actions, and scenes.
Your dreams may seem to be bizarre or random, but they're a reflection of your life. As you start to work with your dreams, it can be like having an inner coach, with a very special means of motivating you and providing information and inspirations. Even when your dream coach seems to be putting you through a nightmare, it's always for your personal growth .
Keep on dreaming.
Leah Bolen is a certified dream practitioner and member of The International Association for the Study of Dreams. As National Sales Director for a leading media delivery company, Leah has twice been named 'Coach of the Year.' Blending the skills and experience she's honed within her traditional job with her passion and knowledge for dreams, Leah practices her "dream job" as a writer and skills coach for dreamers. For more dreamspirations, visit http://www.dreamologywithleah.com