
A kitchen is a place where you can experiment to your heart’s content. You can do this in a way that no one would ever expect, and that can essentially lead to surprising results at best. You might also face disappointments at the very least, but these are the part and parcel of this art.

The following section would now take additional emphasis on some of the simple kitchen tricks that many people fail to follow, let alone comprehend at all. These tricks would assist you in following these tricks with a literal aplomb. 

Smart Kitchen Tricks you must try

Let us have a look at some of the kitchen tricks that would help you out immensely,

  1. Seal your chip bags properly –There are many of us out there who do not know how to seal up our chip bags without using a clip. It is essential that you learn this art as this would help you immensely and you would never have to deal with stale chips ever again. This is one of those simple tricks that you can learn at home.
  2. Cut your tomatoes smartly –Put all your tomatoes that you want to slice on a plate, following which place another one at the top. Take a sharp knife and slice these tomatoes through both the plates. What you get is a set of tomatoes with all of your fingers in one piece.
  3. Serve Ice-cream with a knife –This might sound unusual but it’s a trick that many tend to overlook. If you are serving ice-cream to your loved ones or for yourselves, dip the ice-cream box into a utensil containing hot water for about 30 seconds. Post which you can take the lid out and put the ice-cream on a platter and then cut the pieces with a knife.
  4. Slice up your cake with a knife –There are times when you would serve cake for yourselves with a scoop from the spoon, this is an incorrect way to cut the cake. Take a knife and immerse it on hot water, dry it off with a soft cloth and then you can seamlessly cut your cake. This trick works on almost all of the cake varieties available at most shops.
  5. Have a tension rod installed below the sink –This tension rod would mainly help you in keeping all of your kitchen cleaning items at close proximity to yourself rather than far away. Just take a normal rod as per the size of your sink and you can use to hang up all of your kitchen essentials like the gloves, tissue papers, and other cleaning liquids as well. 
  1. Instant Home-made cookies –What would you if you want a fresh new batch of home-made cookies available to you in an instant? Whenever you make the dough for the cookies, you just need to shape them up into balls and put them away in a freezer. This would help you with just taking them out of the freezer and you can have these sumptuous cookies in just 10 minutes. 
  1. Make taco bells using inverted cupcake tins –If you are a fan of the delicious taco bells and tortillas, then you literally do not need to do much about it. If you have a muffin tin lying around in your home somewhere, and you can make the shape of the tortillas by inverting these tins. Once you have shaped them up properly, you can then take them up into the oven for baking. 
  1. Sparkle up your kitchen with grapefruit and salt –This is perhaps one of the most effective kitchen tricks available if your kitchen is literally filled up with grease and other stuff that would otherwise be hard to get it out using the regular methods. Take some grapefruit, cut it into half and add some salt on it. This method will essentially wipe off the grime of your kitchen floor. 
  1. Protect brown sugar with bread –If you want to keep your container of brown sugar right as rain with no additional things to worry about, then you can simply add a piece of bread into it. The reason for that is that the bread would keep the saturation level of brown sugar at optimum and prevent it from getting hardened. 
  1. Use RotiMatic as your instant Roti Maker –Coupled with an incredible set of features that are offered by RotiMatic , you can make Rotis in just about a couple of minutes. You can just add up all of your ingredients, set preferences as per the controls available and you would get a puffy roti ready to relishbefore buying check for rotimatic reviews
  1. Customize your bland mugs with nail polish –How cool would it be when you get to drink with a mug that is customized by none other than yourself using a spare bit of nail polish and some washi tapes. You can just design your mug with your nail polish or you can design it using washi tapes, therefore resulting in a striped mug design to show it off to your friends.   
  1. Use an envelope in place of a funnel –Sounds difficult? Definitely not, this is one of those simple tricks that anyone can use to save up on your kitchen space for a funnel. You can just seal up the corners of the envelope and create a custom funnel of your own, and use it just about any time you want to. 
  1. Use frozen wine to cook something up –There are a lot of dishes that use wine as an additional ingredient, but there can be times when you are left with some unconsumed wine. What you can do is freeze it up into the Ziploc bags and put them into the freezer for future use. 


The aforementioned methods are some of the certified points that you should definitely have and practice if you are an independent homemaker or a married one. These methods would essentially go a long way in making your kitchen essentially awesome. Check rotimatic facebook page for more inf.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making,Games, Fashion, Product Reviews etc. It is my Hobby and passion.

M.B Qasim Shehzad Ch