Birth control pills (BCP’s) have been cited by Doctors to protect against breast cancer, heart disease and depression . Hundreds of millions of women worldwide have taken the pill since the 1960’s believing that they were “safe and effective”. What was once thought to be protective for one’s health has now been found to be disastrous and produces an onslaught of new, more severe health conditions.
Birth control pills are very effective at contraception, but also very effective at producing disease in the body. The following health conditions are linked to the use of BCP’s:
Heart Attacks Heart Disease
Strokes PMS
Migraines Uterine Cancer
Breast Cancer Depression
Anxiety Hysterectomies
Blood Clots Infertility
A study from Ghent University in Belgium looked at 1,301 healthy women between the ages of 25 and 55. They found that the women had a 20 to 30 percent increase in arterial plaguing for every 10 years of BCP use. (1) How many women take BCP’s for more than 10 years?
10 year Olds with Breasts and Pubic Hair
The hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drug PremPro can arguably be one of the greatest embarrassments in medical history. PremPro was found to increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and blood clots. The bad news is that BCP’s dose of estrogen is four times as potent as PremPro. (2)
HRT is now widely accepted as poison, but a birth control pill is still “safe and effective”. BCP’s have poisoned three generations of women around the world. The youngest generation is developing breasts and starting their menstrual periods at age 10. The solution given by the medical field is to put them on birth control pills younger and younger.
The Pill: Scheduled By-Pass and Chemo
Oral contraceptives and HRT both started in the 1960’s. Humbly, it took 40 years to figure out their damaging effects. Unfortunately hundreds of millions of women were poison and maimed because of their side effects. What can we learn from this? Should we continue to wait until a disaster happens, or should we take a proactive natural stand for our health?
It was once stated that one should not be on BCP’s longer than three to five years. What is happening in today’s society? You start taking the pill at age 10 and end at age 40 with a hysterectomy, heart disease and cancer. There is a direct relationship to the length of taking birth control pills and the risk of developing severe health conditions.
The FDA: “Safe and Effective”
You can ask your Doctor about the problem’s that we have discussed, but they will say that the “benefits outweigh the risk”. They would state that side effects to BCP’s are very rare and can easily be treated with other over the counter or prescription medications. Are we forgetting something? Health is reflective of the number of medications you take. The less medications, the healthier you are.
Sadly many healthcare professionals say their pharmaceutical “cures” are not harmful until the drug industry or the FDA finally admits their ignorance. Interestingly, drug companies spend more money on advertising to Doctors than they do on research.
Your Life, Your Choice
The topic of BCP’s is a difficult one. There is a multitude of factors that people use as justification for their use. Their use is limited if health is the primary goal. The fewer chemicals you put in your body, the healthier you are.
The broken life path of today’s society needs to be reconstructed. This construction starts with a healthy family structure that is focused on incorporating health management versus disease management techniques. If the focus is relying on medications for health, we are focused on a system that will continually fail over time. By focusing on health, one will continually improve and strive towards greatness.
Family Homework
It is easy to state the inherent problems without presenting possible solutions. One of the primary ways of reducing the risk of developing heart disease or dying from cancer is to eliminate the contributing factors:
Get Adjusted
Quit Smoking
Lose Weight
Get off Medications
Keep Organs
Investigate Natural Progesterone
Improve Diet
Start Exercising
Abstain or Practice Natural Approaches
Cory Couillard has owned two private practices and has been the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Brand Officer for the largest privately owned clinic. He is active in professional development, mass education programs and implementation of healthcare delivery systems.
Cory is currently a professional healthcare speaker and writer for newspapers, magazines, websites and other publications. He is also involved with the development of two international television health programs.
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