Sometimes in life, the only thing I want more than anything else is a good night’s sleep. It is 3:30am, I look at the clock and cannot believe that I have to get up for work in only 3 hours. What? Three hours of sleep is not enough. Why won’t my body GO TO SLEEP?

I do not think I am taking a huge leap to assume that we have all been there on one night or another. After a night such as the one described above, I turned to affirmations and created a routine that quickly and peacefully put me to sleep. I do not do all 10 steps every night; however, I have found that I enjoy going through #9 and #10 each night. Here are the ten steps to get a good night’s sleep:

1. Treat yourself to a fresh pair of sheets. There is something about everything being crisp, free of dog hair and tucked in at all of the right places that gets me excited about going to bed.

2. Avoid caffeine after noon.

3. Do not over-eat at dinner, avoid dessert and do not eat anything 2 hours prior to bed.

4. Avoid drinking anything 1 hour before bed. Once you get to sleep it is best to not risk being awoken by the glass of water you had earlier. That being said, they do make some great teas for relaxing. I enjoy Yogi Tea’s Bedtime tea. Just make sure you enjoy it with an hour to spare for it to work through the pipes.

5. For the last hour of the day, avoid thinking about work, the news, even your favorite television show. For me, these things can create thoughts that will not quit.

6. Take a hot shower or bath and cozy up in your favorite pajamas.

7. Take extra time for self care at the end of the day. Brush your hair, wash and moisturize your face, floss and brush and rinse with mouthwash. Do whatever it is that makes you feel clean, fresh and relaxed.

8. Make your room as dark and as quiet as you can get it.

9. Lie in bed, take three deep breaths and begin silently repeating the following statements. When you say each affirmation , take a moment to really feel that part of your body, feel the way it is resting and let it sink into the bed below.

I am grateful for my toes.
I am grateful for my feet.
I am grateful for my ankles.
I am grateful for my calves.
I am grateful for my knees.
I am grateful for my thighs.
I am grateful for my hips.
I am grateful for my intestines.
I am grateful for my kidneys.
I am grateful for my liver.
I am grateful for my stomach.
I am grateful for my lungs.
I am grateful for my heart.
I am grateful for my chest.
I am grateful for my shoulders.
I am grateful for my biceps.
I am grateful for my triceps.
I am grateful for my elbows.
I am grateful for my forearms.
I am grateful for my wrists.
I am grateful for my hands.
I am grateful for my fingers.
I am grateful for my neck.
I am grateful for my ears.
I am grateful for my jaw.
I am grateful for my chin.
I am grateful for my lips.
I am grateful for my nose.
I am grateful for my cheeks.
I am grateful for my eyes.
I am grateful for my forehead.
I am grateful for my scalp.
I am grateful for my hair.
I am grateful for my mind.

10. Lastly, if you are still awake, repeat: I am grateful for my life. Say it over and over again until you fall asleep. If your mind wanders, consciously bring it back to the affirmation . This takes practice and focus. If you can keep your mind on that single statement, eventually your conscious mind will get bored and shut off. The result? Sleep.

Sweet Dreams ...

Author's Bio: 

Danea Horn started Creative Affirmations to share her extraordinary experiences with affirmations. She has turned real life trial and error into trial and success through her easy to follow tips and techniques. Articles include: gratitude, visualization, mind power, healing, writing affirmations and affirmation techniques. Visit Creative Affirmations online at