1. First and foremost track the where you are going wrongFirstly you must track the reason why you aren’t able to get more orders. The only explanation is your customers are abandoning your website without reaching the final point. At which part of their journey are they leaving your website and your product? Track down the point and analyze it and improve it so that it won’t happen again. You must know your past mistakes because without that you won’t know what the cause was and you can’t take any future steps. To analyze the problem and improve it and take future steps according to that.

2. SEO optimization of your websitePeople aren’t going to look out for your website so you have to make sure that they find it without searching too much. For this optimize your website with SEO. You can do this by using the right keywords which are famous and used by a lot of people so that when people search for something your website can pop up in the top results of the search engine. In this, you will find your customers and you will get more online orders.

3. Give them social proof
Social Proof is a social phenomenon which shows that one person always follows others to copy some kind of behavior . This is just a method in which people see others and try to follow them. Social proof is used in a business in just a way to show new customers that the business is a real thing and they can trust the business. You can give them social proof by using social proof tools. There are a lot of social proof tools out there but I recommend you to use the best one and that is Fizfy Social Proof Notifications.
Fizfy Social Proof Notification tool is the most popular social Proof tool. It allows you to use 40+ powerful widgets which you can use for convert your visitors into customers. You can create Social Proof Notification here at https://fizfy.com/ .

4. Link your website to all your social media accountsTo get more orders you must link your website to all your social media accounts. It will help you because people have a lot of time and they are always scrolling these social media platforms all day long and in this way when they will come across your website’s account and they want to buy something that they liked then they can jump directly to your website and complete the process.

5. Talk to your prospectsIt is important to talk to your customers about increasing your online orders. It is because that if you don’t then you won’t be able to have any orders as they won’t trust you. Talk to them and clear their every doubt so that you can attract them to your product and you can tell them everything about your product. You must answer their every question and form a deeper bond with them so that you can get more order easily and rapidly.

6. Convey your message through videosYou can use videos to convey your message more properly and easily. Use videos to tell them every detail about the product from minor to every big one and give them a full tour of your product. Use the video to earn their trust and so that they can have more confidence in you. When you will let your videos speak about your product you will be able to convince them more and when they will have more trust you will get a lot of online orders.

7. Give them money-back guarantee optionWell everyone has their doubts while buying things online because there are huge chances that you can lose your money. So it is the job of a businessman to make them feel safe and sound and make them believe that they are in good hands. Forgiving them hope and earning their trust gives them money-back guarantee option according to which if they won’t find the product up to the mark they were expecting then they can return it and they will get their money back without any issues.

8. Give free shippingA lot of website doesn’t get orders because they are charging a lot for shipping the product to the customer’s place. Make sure you aren’t making this mistake and give them free shipping so that you can get more online orders. When they will see free shipping option they will get happy and order in an instance.

9. Give them a lot of options to make paymentTechnology is evolving every second so that means ways of making the payment is also improving. Give your customers a lot of option to make the payment if you want a lot of orders. Give them multiple options to make payment like through debit, credit card, online payment through Google pay, Paytm and also accept cash on delivery option.

10. Give gifts and discountAsk yourself don’t you like free things? You like so give your customers gifts which they achieve after completing the payment and you can offer them discounts for getting more orders.

Author's Bio: 

Fizfy is a Conversion & Sales Software which helps websites, Influence Visitors to increase sales & conversions.