Back pain can be caused by tiredness, stress, the presence of a herniated disc, poor posture or due to trauma, and some simple measures that can be practiced to relieve back pain are getting enough rest and mobilizing the muscles to improve blood circulation, promoting well-being.

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems. It can be a prickling, stabbing, or burning pain, and it can radiate to the extremities causing tingling, numbness, or weakness in the arms and legs. This pain can occur both in the lower back, in the upper back or in the middle of the back, however, the recommendations to follow serve to treat pain in general, regardless of where it is.

Here are 10 easy steps to ease back pain at home:

1. Relax
Try to lie on your side or sit so that your back is fully flat on the chair for a few minutes, and avoid staying in the same position for a long time, even sitting, lying down, or standing. By being in a more comfortable position, we can breathe better and muscle fibers loosen, relieving back pain .

2. Put on a warm compress Place a warm compress exactly in the region where the back pain is generating, leaving it to act for 20 minutes.

3. Massage A good way to relieve back pain is to take a warm bath, letting the stream of warm waterfall very hard on the region where the pain occurs. Carry out a self-massage, with your own hands using a little cream or oil, making movements of moderate-intensity, insisting more on the regions where there is more pain.

4. Take a medicine If your back pain is very severe, you can take a muscle relaxant, a pain reliever or apply a pain patch, such as Salonpas in the region, under medical guidance.

5. Rest in a favorable position At bedtime, the person should lie on their side or back with their head well supported on a pillow that is not very soft, for at least 8 hours. Ideally, place another pillow under the knees if the person is on their back, or between the knees if they sleep on their side.

6. Maintain a healthy weight
One of the causes of back pain is the excess weight that overloads the joints, so having a balanced diet by carrying out a food re-education will give good long-term results.

7. Reduce stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety cause muscle tension, which causes a person to feel a sore back. To alleviate it, you can place 2 drops of lavender or Marcela essential oil on the pillow, as they have soothing properties that promote sleep.

8. Perform stretching Performing back stretches can relieve pain and muscle tension. However, you should avoid exertion and exercises such as weights or dancing.

9. Prevent falls Mainly in the elderly, some care should be taken, such as resorting to canes and avoiding having carpets inside the house, to avoid falls and aggravate back pain.

10. Improve posture Having the correct posture during the day prevents back pain. In those people who already suffer, it also helps to reduce it. See some exercises to improve posture.

By following these recommendations, back pain should be alleviated, but if it appears constantly, it may indicate that there is muscle weakness, so it might be necessary to practice some type of physical activity.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover!