You meet someone who’s simply charming, irresistible. You’re excited about this person and begin dating , spending more and more time together. Everything is going great, except that your new partner slips into certain “bad habits ” here and there. You reassure yourself that this is normal. But is it?

Seemingly insignificant tendencies can be early indicators of greater issues that will rear their ugly heads in time. Honor your wellbeing by walking away from an unhealthy relationship sooner rather than later if your partner gives off the following red flags:

1. Your intuition is nagging you. The first source that will reveal to you something is wrong will be your inner voice. Pay close attention to gut feelings that ask you to analyze your partner’s intentions, words, and actions more closely. Refrain from making excuses for this person just because you’ve developed feelings. Be honest with yourself and acknowledge when your partner isn’t making you happy. Take divine signs seriously. It’s not an accident if you come across something that proves this person isn’t who he says he is or is acting in bad faith . Remember: people lie, but your intuition doesn’t.

2. It’s complicated from the beginning. The perfect partner doesn’t exist because we all carry a bit of baggage. That’s normal. What’s not normal is a person who hauls entire loads from their past into your present life. Your partner may have children from a previous relationship, but his kids shouldn’t be making your life miserable. Your partner may have trust issues from past experiences, but he shouldn’t be forcing you to prove your every move. If a relationship starts off this burdensome, it will only get worse in time. Release it from your life and find a love that’s simple and straightforward.

3. He doesn’t want to compromise. The couple that can’t compromise can’t survive. A person’s (in)ability to compromise quickly becomes evident. At this point in the relationship, your partner should be offering compromise freely and you should be taking turns accommodating each other. The fact that he doesn’t means the relationship will require much sacrifice on your part.

4. He has mood swings. Steer clear of the person who veers to moody extremes because this will ruin your emotional stability. Your partner shouldn’t leave you exhausted by the end of the day! You become what you’re around, and if you’re exposed to anger, bitterness, or resentment, you might find yourself mimicking these emotions, riding an emotional roller coaster that will take a mental and physical toll on you. If your partner shifts from delighted to depressed in seconds, understand that a psychological imbalance exists. And if he or she gets angry over everything, know that this anger may spill onto you one day, too.

5. He’s not generous. Generosity takes many forms, the most obvious being monetary. But a person must also be charitable with his time, affection, advice, and good intentions. Stinginess, greediness, and egoism are serious red flags. While you shouldn’t expect to receive the world on a silver platter, you should expect your partner to offer help when you’re in genuine need. The person who wants to share his world with you is preparing for a future with you. Generosity is a rare trait, so be grateful for the partner who is giving in all senses of the word.

6. He’s chronically unfaithful. Mom used to say that “once a cheater always a cheater.” I don’t quite agree because people possess the free will to break even their most addictive patterns. But if you discover your new partner being disloyal from this early on, spare yourself the heartbreak and move along. Chances are that he was prone to dishonesty long before you and will continue to be unfaithful throughout the relationship with you. Often we believe we can change people or mold their character, or that they will somehow be “different” with us than they’ve been in past relationships. We experience deep disappointment when we realize that we can’t change anybody; he must change himself.

7. He treats others poorly. Be careful getting too attached to the person who talks down to others, is rude without reason, or has negative relationships with family members. People who have problems with themselves release them upon others, and these problems can’t be resolved until they look within and eliminate the root cause. Your partner may treat you nicely in the beginning, but the same issues he has with other people in his life will creep into your own relationship down the line.

8. He comes and goes. It’s demoralizing when your partner doesn’t check up on you regularly. One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my clients is that their new partner doesn’t initiate conversation; they have to be the ones to send the first message, or there’s no telling when he’ll actually call. Even worse is when he shows a pattern of disappearing then reappearing like nothing happened. Beware of settling with a partner who’s emotionally ignorant or distant. You will find yourself telling this person the same thing over and over again, and it’ll go in one ear and come out the other. One of the greatest qualities you can find in a partner is someone who’s emotionally in tune with you.

9. He doesn’t take care of himself. The way in which someone treats (or mistreats) himself is reflective of the way he will treat you. If your partner is self-destructive, how can he make you whole? If he’s completely careless with his home, job, belongings, health, finances, or appearance, chances are he won’t be able to lend you the care you need and deserve. Look for someone who handles himself responsibly, lovingly, and gently so that he can treat you in this same manner.

10. He can’t commit. Lasting relationships are the deeply fulfilling bonds we crave, but not all of us are able to commit. You should be with a partner who not only wants to fortify a relationship with you through time, but who understands the hard work needed to do so. Consider your partner’s dating history: has he or she been able to uphold at least one serious relationship? It will be difficult for your partner to keep up long-term love if he’s used to jumping from romance to romance. A partner who both expresses the desire for commitment and reinforces words with actions is a real treasure.

Our impulses often betray our true nature. Reflect on these ten red flags before engaging in a new relationship, and put your own safety and tranquility first.

To healthy relationships,Dr. Carmen Harra

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Carmen Harra is a world-renowned intuitive psychologist, best-selling author, radio show host, and relationship expert. In the past 25 years, Carmen has helped over 40,000 people rediscover peace of mind, reclaim personal power, and regain joy. Her clients include people from all walks of life, from the lady next door to Hollywood celebrities and eminent politicians. Carmen uniquely combines the normal with the paranormal to deliver powerful positive change: tried and tested cognitive therapy coupled with the ancient arts of numerology, mediumship, and incredible intuition.
Carmen has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, New York Post, and New York Daily News, and on shows like Good Morning America, The View, Good Day New York, the Today show, and many more.
She’s the author of international best-sellers like Everyday Karma, Decoding Your Destiny, The Eleven Eternal Principles, and Wholeliness, among others. Her seventh book, The Karma Queens' Guide to Relationships, was released by Penguin Books, and she's now working on her eighth book all about commitment!
Carmen has also hosted call-in shows on Hay House Radio, WOR Radio, and WABC Radio. She currently hosts a popular weekly show called Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life every Tuesday on OMTimes Radio.
Visit her website at .