Being aware of yourself and feeling great about yourself this helps a lot in making your work-life a lot better. The way you do this is by having a correct sympathetic view of your values and strengths these are the qualities that make you feel great about yourself. The process starts by evaluating the factors that moulded your personality - family , experiences, education, and trainings.

A greater part of your values and strengths can be established even at a young age. Some are outcome of your parents', or other family experiences. Being aware of your top-five strengths and values gives you an outline by which you evaluate choices in your personal life and career. Doing well at work involves using all of your strengths as well as satisfying your values.

You feel Incompetent and helpless when what you do at work is not mirrored with your values and strengths. When you are in this sort of position, you have the sense of being tied up in a boring routine that is way too far from your own temperament.

You will typically feel uninterested and frustrated as well as that feeling of being trapped for life in the same situation. In spite of how much money you make, when you reject your feelings and thoughts - your work is problematic and tedious.

The best time to uncover your strengths and values is when you are honest with yourself. By acknowledging your feelings you uncover so much of your potentials. It is also essential to become proud of yourself. Your influence lies in your individuality. To find happiness at work you must avoid the urge of comparing yourself to others because it will hinder your options and career growth.

Your interest and hobbies convey so much about your strengths and values. You take gratification in the things you do such as traveling, going to the movies, or theatre, ect. The things you do naturally motivate you. Enjoyable undertakings are either academic or non-academic. When you enjoy yourself doing something, your personal strengths are clearly displayed. Remind yourself of the times you felt so happy at work? What were the values and strengths that were so apparent from you?

Values change over time but there are some that stays rooted in your personality. These values mirror what you think is upright and meaningful. Of all human undertakings, work has the potential of satisfying your personal values and outlines your career choices. When you are true to yourself and fervent with your values you are most likely to find yourself in the vocation you love. Most of your values are marked in the things you do and say; while others come into the open under particular situations.

Now that you have evaluated your values and strengths, you can now establish your boundary when considering a new employer or career. Make certain the values and strengths you have are on course with your career or employer. In finding happiness at work it is vital to be able to fully share the values and strengths that are valuable to you. Good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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