Teak furniture is the ultimate choice of everybody from a very long time. But these days it is gaining popularity day by day probably because of the natural beauty and durability of this wood. Teak wood is high in natural oil therefore it is naturally resistant to water, insects and rot. It grows mainly in rainforest areas and can survive extreme climate conditions; hence people prefer this type of wood for outdoor furniture. Although it is much more expensive than other wood like redwood, oak, cedar etc but mostly it the first choice of everybody for outdoor furniture and accessories.

Teak furniture is more durable than any other type of wood furniture. It is basically made up of tropical hardwood. It has a nice and rich looking honey brown color that makes it more attractive and appealing. Also this wood is smooth so the teak furniture are smooth to touch and giving you a pleasant feeling. Being so smooth it is easier for the wood worker to work with this type of wood.

But your teak furniture may get fade after some time due to air and dust. Even though the faded color doesn't affect the strength and durability of the furniture, but it is recommended to spend some time on its maintenance to keep it in a very good condition for a very long time without losing its natural beautiful color. If you are owner of teak furniture you probably would be looking for some simple tips about the maintenance of your furniture. So here I have some tips for you that I had gather from some experts of teak care. Firstly it is necessary to maintain the original color of your furniture because its color is its main beauty .

Teak protector is best to maintain the original honey brown color. But remember it helps to keep is safe for only one season after which you need to apply it again. Also another option is to apply teak oil that will give it shine and maintain its color. Teak oil is easily available on any local hardware stores. Teak furniture does not need lot of maintenance but it is recommended to apply the oil every six months or depending on the exposure of the furniture to sun and wind. Another way is to use a solution made of a mixture of detergent and bleach in mild water. It will be helpful for you to clean your teak furniture. You can clean it with a brush or soft cloth.

These day readymade products are also available for cleaner the furniture, it is known as teak cleaner. Some people opt for painting their teak furniture but this is not recommended at all. Teaks already have a natural beautiful color and since it is very rich in oil content the paint will not stay long over it. These are some simple tips that you could follow for its maintenance. The biggest advantage of it is that you need not to spend too much of time and money on its care.

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TheTeak.com - Manufacturer and exporter of high quality garden teak furniture from Indonesia. Ask for For a beautiful, long-lasting, elegant patio furniture.