Marriage is a union of two adults, the Bible says,for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and both shall become one flesh. Marriage is not a trial and error kind of relationship, it is not what you enter into unprepared for it is commonly said and believed that if you "fail to plan then you planned to fail". To make your marriage rewarding and fulfilling, take the following steps.

Unconditional Love: Love one another unconditionally and let each partner know that he or she is loved. Talk about it and be conscious of your spouse's love always. Some couples think "she or he ought to know by now how much I love her or him" you are right. She or he knows that is why she or he wants you to say it often and on. There Is nothing wrong with waking her or him up early in the morning 4:30am, 5:00am to tell say "I just woke you up to tell you that I love you so much"? I tell you that if you do this, you will enjoy the best of your spouse. She or he will adore you like a king or queen and talk of your love at the rooftops. Secondly, don't wait until she or he "behaves well" before you tell or show her or him you love her or him; for this will mean that on the day she or he got out from the wrong side of the bed, you will keep your love to yourself. This is called "selfish love". The Bible instructs that the guys should love their wives as Christ loved the church. The church wasn't perfect and is still not perfect yet Jesus gave His life for her because of His love for her. Let us love like Jesus loved - unconditionally!

Open-ness: This is the act of being honest to one another and not hiding your feelings or any information from your spouse. I heard a story of a couple that their marriage crumbled like a pack of cards because the man discovered his wife lied to him about her age. She was forty-one years of age but told the man she was thirty-six years old. When asked to take his wife back, the young man said he doesn't know what else she may have lied to him about and that taking her in again will mean treating her as a stranger and he wouldn't want that. There is nothing that can hold a union together like open-ness. Don't have skeletons in your cupboard, expose them.

Copyright, Agu Jaachynma

Author's Bio: 

A Graduate of Languages and Linguistics Department of the University of Jos, an Administrative Officer with the Federal Government Establishment, a loving wife, caring mother, a teacher and a mentor. She is also the author of the highly placed and best-selling knowledge book: The Prince and the Pauper by Enaz Publications, New York.The Prince and the pauper is available at global leading book Outlets including -

She is the Executive Director of the KingsTreasureHouse Concept; a highly respected role model and an inspiration to many. She shares motivational insight with folks in her generation and those yet to be born via her write-ups, books etc. She lives in Nigeria with her beloved family comprising of her heartthrob: Dr. Aham and their two Gorgeous Heritages from the Lord: KING and EDWALD.