Most of us if asked to use only one word to describe our day would probably say “busy”. We get the kids to school, rush off to work, juggle a couple of meetings, take care of business and then run errands from drycleaners to the grocery store and everything in between. Then we get home and there are chores to take care of, making dinner, helping the kids with homework, putting final touches on next day’s presentation. These are just some of the dozens of things we all take care of on an average day. What we spend the least time on is taking care of ourselves.

Having a busy schedule means having difficulties finding time to work out, relax, getting a massage , a facial or a haircut. We squeeze these between other activities, or sacrifice lunch hour or sleep to get them done. Seems the only thing we can do for ourselves no matter how hectic our days are is eat right. It doesn’t take any longer to have a healthy meal than it does to have an artery clogging one, it’s only a matter of making the right choice.

Whether you eat at home or at a restaurant, or even order in, what you decide to put on your plate will influence the way you feel. Depending on what your main health concern is, you have many options of foods rich in fiber, low in cholesterol, ones that are great source of omega 3, vitamins or protein, even some that are recommended by doctors for heart or diabetes patients. As long as you know what you should pay special attention to, you can easily adjust your menu.

A good rule for everybody, regardless of health condition, is to eat more vegetables. It’s important to include fish in the weekly menu, as well as dairy and different grains for a well balanced diet. Have steamed vegetable medley as a side dish instead of mashed potatoes, opt for low carb bread for your sandwiches, choose baked fish instead of fried meat and so on. These are changes that you can make both at home and at a restaurant, and they will not take up any additional time from your already busy day.

If you’re so busy that having a breakfast at a dining table seems impossible, don’t stop for a donut on your way. The time you’d spend getting t will be better utilized making a quick snack to take with you. Spread some mustard inside whole wheat pita bread , stuff it with salad greens, tomato and turkey and you’re good to go with a handy sandwich that won’t fall apart in your hand. Follow that kind of sandwich with an apple, and not only will you have energy for the whole morning or running around, but you’ll also have taken care of your heart and digestive system.

Your schedule is unlikely to just ease up from day to day, but basic changes, like those in your menu, can be made in an instant. It’s just a matter of reaching for healthier versions of foods in the grocery store, picking lighter items on the restaurant menu, and despite having little free time, stopping to think of what is best for your body.

Author's Bio: 

I am a web designer, a passionate writer and a healthy lifestyle enthusiast. I write press releases and articles for a free PR site about diet and heart-friendly foods. You can read more about high fiber pita bread approved as diabetes food or low carb pita bread.