"I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will." Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What is it that the majority of people need if they are to succeed in this world? Think about it. What is holding you back? Is it lack of opportunity, is it because you lack education, or maybe it's your parents fault? No! It's none of those things. The only thing standing between you and your goals is the fact that you don't believe in your self!

The majority of successful people have had only the basics in education. Most of them have had to struggle really hard to achieve their goals. But all successful people whether they come from a poor background or a rich background have one thing in common, and that is self believe.

Beliefs are created the instant that a person is born. Then, as a person progress through life, he/she will keep on creating new beliefs and change old ones. The reason People need to do this, is because it makes living in this world a lot easier to do, especially if you have the same kind of beliefs as your peers. Self belief can develop early on in childhood, or it can be cultivated later on in life. The thing is self belief is an essential ally in overcoming obstacles.

It doesn't matter what obstacles your up against on your path towards your goals you can overcome them if you totally believe in yourself. Remember you can only really rely on yourself. You have to think that you are the best. Through modesty out of the window you don't need it! Ignore any negative comments that people might say about you. Let these people wallow in their own negativity. Always think that you are going to be successful, and you will. If you think that you are going to fail you most probably will.

You are what you think! Once you have this kind of positive mind-set you'll find that your self-esteem will grow and you'll feel on top of the world! If you do have very low self-esteem the best way to start building it, is by taking daily risks. Each one building on the previous day's risk. For instance on the first day you could say good morning to a stranger. The next day you could start a simple conversation with the cashier at the supermarket and so on.

Remember if the cashier ignores you don't feel bad, or think that you've made a mistake because there are no such things as mistakes only learning experiences. Taking risks is a really valuable way of developing confidence and high self-esteem . Even if you just start out by taking one little risk each day, even this will improve your personality and belief in yourself immensely. Good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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