Documentation is an essential part of writing any paper, whether it’s an article for a newspaper, a corporate report, or even just a term paper for your class. Documenting your sources will help your ideas look more credible by supporting them. This will also enable your readers to easily look up the sources to check its authenticity and to learn more about the subject matter. Depending on the type of paper you are writing, there are several formats that you can use when citing your sources. Scientific papers often use the APA format while those written for the fields of humanities and liberal arts utilize the MLA format. Writing an MLA bibliography is relatively easier and more concise in comparison to the APA format. But, it can still be challenging especially for those who lack experience in doing so. One of the first things that you will need to know is that while many call it MLA bibliography, the correct term for the MLA style is Works Cited. The second thing that you will need to remember is that in the Work Cited page MLA format, the sources should be alphabetized using the author’s last name.

Now, those two things are relatively easy details to remember. Unfortunately, each type of source (i.e. books, websites, journals) used requires a different type of format or structure. And with so many types of sources available today, that would mean learning a lot of rules for citation. It would certainly be beneficial for anyone to learn how to correctly document one’s sources using the MLA format. But writing your paper’s content is already taxing enough without having the additional worry of correct documentation. Luckily, you can make use of an MLA bibliography maker to help make things a lot easier. There are actually several free ones available online and most, if not all of them, are pretty easy to use. Generally, to use an “MLA maker”, the first thing you’ll need to do is to get all the required details of each source. This will include the name of the author, the article’s title, the publisher, and other information regarding the publication. Once you have all the necessary information, you will need to enter in each detail in the proper fields. Then, all you need to do is click on a button that says “submit” or something similar. The generator will automatically show you the cited source in its proper format. Simply copy and paste the citation onto your document and you’re done!

With a tool like this, you are now easily able to document your sources without having to worry if you’re doing it right. Using it will also make you more efficient since it will save you hours. Those same hours could be utilized in perfecting your paper’s content. Of course, some would still prefer to cite their sources manually and that’s perfectly fine. Whether you use such a tool or not, the important thing is that you always have documentation.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article has written several papers with an MLA bibliography . She prefers using this format for ease in documentation.